
Friday, March 26, 2010

Yeah...100 Followers Blog Give-Away, Yipeeee!

Wow friends, who would have known when I picked up my 1st Artful Blogger magazine at Barnes & Noble in Baltimore, MD last May, I'd have my own blog, I'd LOVE blogging, I'd have made soooo many amazing friends, I'd have 100 fabulous followers & that blogging would become a part of my everyday life, actually my very being...I wouldn't have guessed any of that! Thank you, thank you, thank you friends & as a special thank you, let's have a Grand Give-Away! To enter all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. Comments can be made up until April 25th, 2010 & since I roll Old School, I will draw a name from my favorite straw hat on April 26th & announce my lucky winner! Over the next few weeks, I'll be giving you sneak peeks of what will be in our BIG WINNERS GIFT BOX. I'll have a few of my handcrafted by vintagesusie items, a few Lambs & Ivy Boutique items & a few of my Fabulous Flea Friday items, it will be a Potpourri of Wonderfulness all for you Friends...I promise!!! Again & sincerely from my heart...I heart all of you!!! Thanks for being my friend...
{& thanks Elizabeth at Clear Blue Sky for helping me get there!}

Thursday, March 25, 2010

1959 Pathfinder & a Gynormous Bird of Paradise

Friends, you are all soooo cute!!! Have I told you lately how much I adore all of you? Thanks for reliving my ticket debacle with me & for each one of you who answered any combo of my silly questions, I will be contacting you for your mailing address & sending you out some love along with one of my Vintage Fabric Flower Brooches...Yeah Friends!!!
Here's where we stay when we're in Hollywood, in our 1959 Pathfinder Travel Trailer. It's our home away from home, our pride & joy & look how nicely it tucks into our clients drive-way.
Now, when I stand in the doorway of our trailer & look out into this lush, vintage, CA yard, I have the delight of looking at this truly Gynormous Bird of's amazing!!! You can't tell the size of this beauty from my photo, but it towers over our trailer & is taller then the owner's house. How long would this plant have to be growing here in order to get this big? The house was built in 1924, could it have been an original planting? Just too cool...I had to share this with you!

And I have one more bit of exciting news before I go...drum roll please, I am about to have my 100th friend follow me here on vintagesusie & wings, how fun & awesome is that!! Looks like we are in the market for a really GREAT 100th Follower Give-Away, my mind is already mulling over the grand gift possibilities! Stay tuned friends...I can't wait to celebrate with all of you!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

LA, Pom Pom Interiors & A Give-away

I'm back friends & here are the pictures from my day of shopping at Pom Pom Interiors in Los Angeles & let me tell you, it was even better then I could have imagined. I started the morning at their shop on Melrose only to find out that their main shop was on La Brea & was 7,500 sq ft of yummy vintage, shabby chic deliciousness...a dream in cream for sure!
The whole store was set-up in a wonderful 1920's California bungalow that you meandered in & out of rooms of, through courtyards, down hallways, looking at every inch trying to take in all of it's rich fabulousity!
After browsing thoroughly & changing my mind at least a dozen times, my two 'MUST HAVE' items were...a 2' dress form & stand that I had to have for displaying necklaces on at my shop & a burlap purse with a french enamel number 30 on the front. I ADORE them Both!!!
Now, to make a short story long here's the REST of my day. Parking in LA is in a word a 'NIGHTMARE'! There IS NO parking in LA & if your lucky enough to find an empty space, you then have to deal with parking meters that just happen to take a lot of change that a person like me who lives in the mountains & has no parking issues never seems to have. So.....on a little side street right next to Pom Pom, there were 2 parking spaces. I pull up to the 1st one. I grab all the change I have in the car which is $1 in dimes. I get out, go to the meter, get ready to put it in & realize the meter is blinking "FAILED", "FAILED", "FAILED". Thinking maybe this is an error, I decide to put a dime in to check, it's not an error & now I'm down to .90 in change. Should I move? Is this my fault that the meter is broken? I couldn't get a ticket because their stupid meter is broken, right? I move to the other space begrudgingly while trying to remind myself that I'm going to have my FABULOUS day in LA, so BE happy!
Putting my remaining change into the new meter, I now see that you get 6 min. per dime...shoot I'm down to 54 min. to shop, I can do this. Into divine Pom Pom I walk, now I'm happy. I am transported to another place & time, I'm on a heavenly journey in search of the perfect items to bring home with me. I relish in my $120 purchase, a splurge for me & skip joyfully back to the car. {well, not skip..sort of waddle} I arrange my packages carefully in the back of the car, jump in & start her up, look at my watch & note that I'm perfectly on time for my Paramount Studio tour, look up & notice someone has put some trash on my windshield, I hate that..damn LA! Yeah, you've got it...that's exactly right. It wasn't trash, it was the very thing I had tried so hard to avoid in the 1st place...the dreaded $60 parking ticket. I hung my head in shame & disbelief. Now, if I had stayed at the 1st meter, would I not have gotten a ticket because it was broken? If I had not wasted one of my dimes, would I have been back in time? How did my $35 studio tour turn into a $180 adventure? And what was the actual price breakdown of my 2 purchases? Anyone who comments & gets this RIGHT will receive one of my Vintage Fabric Flower Brooches just because if I'm giving it all away, I might as well give it to my friends right!!!

The moral of all this...even when an adventure goes bad, the story can still be good! PS: No tour, I just wasn't in the mood.