
Sunday, May 16, 2010


Oh, Dear Friends...
How can I tell you all how grateful & overwhelmed I am by your amazing & gracious thoughts, prayers & sweet comments? You will never know how very much they have meant to me. One night, after a particularly bad day at the hospital, my sister & I laid on my hotel bed & read them all. It brought tears to our eyes to know that so many lovely hearts were sending us & our Daddy, their strength & love to get through this tough time.
Thank You!

My poor Dad is having such a hard time recovering from this. His injuries are so severe, that there is hardly a place on his body that isn't in pain. I really do like his doctor & believe in what he has been saying...that even with a man in as good of shape as my Father is, an accident like this shows your age. We just have to give his body the time it needs to heal & be patient. {unfortunately, my family has a genetic flaw when it comes to this trait}

With my sisters keeping watching over Dad, I was able to come home for a couple of nights & I'm sooooo happppy to be HOME! I don't know if any of you are like me, but I always have an on going list in my head of things I need to get done in order for my house to be JUST RIGHT. It's too small, so I want to add a 3rd bedroom & 2nd bathroom. I want a nice big deck built off of this room, so double french doors can open out onto it & we can sit outside & drink wine in the evening admiring our beautiful view. I'd also like to have a charming gazebo & a lovely little garden there to add ambiance to this imaginary space & the list, I'm sad to say, goes on.

Leaving the hospital, I was giddy with the idea of going home. After having had such an emotional & stressful few days, my mind was transfixed on getting up the mountain & feeling the cool mountain air. Following the road that leads to my house, the list in my mind disappeared & when I finally got HOME, it looked simply 'PERFECT'!

These pictures are of a small vignette I've been working on in a corner of my bedroom to use as a work space or computer desk or whatever it turns out to be. Before the accident, I had just finished recovering the garden chair. The desk is an old sewing machine table, I found the mirror at the Senior Thrift Store across the street from my shop & the hand craved, wooden angel came from the little antique store next door.
My house is filled with wooden angels. They are my guardians, my spirit guides, my signs of faith & they are the one's that kept my Daddy alive on that wet & foggy morning. I can't wait to come home & find the perfect place to hang up this one in honor of my Dad's gift!