
Thursday, August 19, 2010

10 little things about me

Hi Friends...

Tomorrow is hubby's birthday & we're off to a vintage trailer rally for the
weekend & I can't wait to get back & show you all of our Vintage Vacation pics...
they'll be fabulous!!! Since I'm incommunicado, I thought I'd leave you with
TEN little things you may not know about me...soooo enjoy!

1. I hum when I'm nervous & when I'm out shopping. I don't really even
know I'm doing it. My best friend Lizzie brought it up once about 30 years ago.
She said it was cute, like I was comforting myself or something.

2. I'm obsessed with Reality TV. It started with 'Survivor', then
'American Idol', then 'So You Think You Can Dance', then 'Big Brother',
then...please don't make me tell you anymore.
My cheeks are red with shame!

3. I have a genetic defect! I can't stand for a baby...any baby to cry,
a stranger's baby to cry. It breaks my heart. I will do anything,
I mean anything to make a baby stop crying!

No amount of money is too much, I will hold or rock or walk a baby
until my back breaks in the effort to ease it's pain. {thus, my baby's
never cried themselves to sleep}

4. My major in college was Interior Design.

5. I can curse like a sailor on leave if provoked.

6. I do 80% of my work on my huge Cal King bed. Weird huh?
I love to bring all my junk up on the bed, turn on a movie I adore
& spread out & play. {as we speak, guess where I am?}

7. One of my favorite movies is 'Friends With Money'.
I love this movie for many reasons, but the thing I relate to the most is
the 1 friend who hates to wash her hair cuz 'It makes her arms hurt.'
I hate to wash my hair!

8. I'm allergic to beets & penicillin.

9. I'm an organ donor & when I die I want to be cremated. I'd like my
ashes to be kept with family & friends, but I do want a little bit of them
to be covertly brought into Disneyland & sprinkled in some of their flower beds.
Is that a bad thing? {it's like fertilizer, right?}

10. I don't cook. I look at beautiful blogs where they have photographed
these amazing meals they've created & think, 'I should do that,
that's soooo cool...what an inspiring post'.
Then I remember...I don't cook.

So there's a little bit about me.
What's a little something about you that I don't know?
I would love for you to tell me!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

my favorite shop display

Happy & Relaxing Sunday Friends!

I want to thank you all for your dear comments & congratulations on my 300th friend celebration & I have been secretly setting aside some of my 1st little treasures for my giveaway.

I have 2 little sweeties made by MOI, that can go in a book & save your place...

I have 1 of my very 1st handmade jewelry line pieces made from vintage buttons...

I have 1 darling vintage fabric adornment with the most beautiful vintage button in the can be seen in 1 of these pictures, can you find it?

That's all you get to know for now though...more sneak peeks to come!

Yesterday I brought my new beau with me to the shop. We played & played & giggled with joy & then played a some more.

I must say to you with a tiny bit of shame, I haven't told my hubby about him yet...but how do you explain to the man you married, that you have a new love?

It's not as if I hide him...he's sitting on the couch right here next to me on this lovely Sunday morning. Hubby's running in & out excitedly getting our vintage trailer ready for next weekends 'Vintage Trailer Rally',
but that's a whole other post!

So, I guess I would have to say...they just haven't been formally introduced yet.
Is that terrible of me?
But, I do LOVE my new beau sooooo!

Just look at the amazing photograph's he takes of my shop 'Lambs & Ivy' & my very favoritest display!

I truly adore every little thing in it & on it & next to it!

OK, hubby just came in & is washing some things at the sink for the trailer...should I tell him now??? I'm scared, let's go for it. Right now. Here I go, wish me luck!

Oh, that wasn't bad...I'm a little rattled so I can't remember exactly what was said.
I said something like "I have to tell you about something", he's washing dishes.
He said something like "what"?
I said "I bought something, but I really needed it".
He said "what"?
I, with camera in hand said "this new camera that I had to have cuz I'm trying to sell my jewelry on etsy & I needed a better zoom to get some really good pictures".
He said "How much"?
I said with a big smile on my face "I got it on sale at Target & it was only $199.00 & I didn't buy another else like a camera bag or anything, just the camera".
Forgetting until right now that I got a bigger memory card to hold more pictures that was $38.00.
Him, "Where'd you get the money"?
Me, "It was shop money, I had a really good last couple of weeks".
Him, "Just remember, shop money is still OUR money, we don't divide it, it's all OUR money"!
Me, "I bought it with OUR money"!
Him, "OK then, I'm glad you got something you love so much. Maybe we can get some good pictures at the trailer show".
Me, "Oh yeah, this camera is awesome, we can get some GREAT pictures at the trailer show"!
A hug & off he goes outside to continue on his vintage trailer mission.
Isn't life GRAND!!!! :)