
Friday, March 4, 2011

Round Top, Here I Come Again!!!

I don't know if the great state of Texas is ready for me again or not....
but I know, I sure am ready for TEXAS!!
That's right y'all, vintagesusie is headed to the Spring Antique Festival in Round Top & looking to find some of her FAVORITEST things on this earth.

I'll be headin on over to the bestest booth in town first...does it look familiar??
That's right, it's the home of 'The Junk Gypsy's', conveyor's of all things filled with
I gotta get me some tee's & some hat's & some junk & some...

Junky Love! {that sound's nasty!}

Then, I'll search out my favoritest bead & vintage charm booth...

have me some of Bud's world famous PIE...

& maybe get me a little pinch of this.
{how dare y'all, I was talkin about the horse...get your minds outta the gutter, lol}

I'll be hangin with some of the 'Bestest Bloggie Buds' in Texas...
Miss Charlene of 'My Heart's Ease' bloggie fame & Miss Diane Cook of 'rosa & josie's', jewelry designer & teacher extraordinaire, along with some of there girlfriends flyin in from every which way...
it sounds so incredibly awesome, I'm gettin excited just thinkin about it!

{she was sellin limes, isn't that odd...or were we drinkin Corona's, I can't remember}
Of course on Sunday, March 27th, we'll all be going over to Miss Teresa's of 'Garden Vintage Antique's' for her Blog Party...I wouldn't miss that for the world!
And if I'm really lucky, there will be a little...

'Trash Talk' & Miss Debbie & Cat Daddy love! {meoww}

There will be lookin for that SPECIAL can't live without it, something...

Lemon Sisterbelle's cupcakes...

fields that go on forever...

Texas skies...

and me, with a big ole grin, wearin my cowboy hat thinkin...
I'm the luckiest girl in the world!
Stay tuned, there's so much MORE to come..  ;)
