
Monday, May 2, 2011

Thank God for the Beautiful Circle of Life!

Oh, my Sweetest of Hearts,
How do I thank my friends for all their love & support during this past week?
How can they ever know how much each & every one of their comments meant to me or how many times over the course of the week, I came back here to read them
& gain strength from their thoughts & prayers?
It meant EVERYTHING to me!

Yesterday, was my grandson Kai's 6th birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese.
If you've never been to a Chuck-E-Cheese before, it's like a nightclub for kids, really!
It's kind of dark inside like a nightclub & instead of getting high on booze,
they just run around & get high on cake & candy & fun rides...Kai LOVES it!

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny & warm spring day that put a smile on my face from the moment I woke up. As Robert & I started our drive to the party, I couldn't help but be touched by God's greater plans. I said to him, "Isn't it amazing that my brother died on Monday & it's Kai's 6th birthday on Sunday. In the course of a single week, I have felt some of my greatest sorrows along with some of my greatest joys."

That is truly the Beauty of Life.

The 'Circle of Life' keeps spinning whether we'd like it to or not.
As one life comes to an end, another life is just beginning &
I believe that is part of God's greater plan.
For me, it is a concrete symbol of Hope.

The Hope that life goes on,
the Hope that joy goes on,
the Hope of a renewal of Life.

On Monday I was crying...

& on Sunday I was laughing.

God is so much smarter then me!
He can see the whole entire picture, while I can only see the tiniest glimpse.
But even through my little window of life, I can see the Circle Turning...
& in the seeing, I am smiling!
