
Friday, June 3, 2011

The Vintage Marketplace in Rainbow, CA

{Sharon, Lydia & Jenelle, my new bestest friends...I'll get to them soon!}
Happy TGIF Sweetie's...
The work week has ended, the weekend is about to begin & I know exactly
where you should head...that is if you live in the So Cali area.
4815 5th Street, Rainbow, CA 92028
I just got back & it was Fabulous!!!

The Vintage Marketplace is organized by
Christie Repasy and Rita Reade & takes place every 3 months,
June 3rd and 4th
September 9th and 10th &
December 2nd and 3rd of 2011
& it is HEAVEN!

It's located in delicious surroundings, in the little country Cali town of Rainbow, Ca...
an oasis away from all the chaos of city life & the PERFECT place to go
for a relaxing day of Junkin & Lunchin & Shopin
in a Vintage Funky kinda way!! ;)

There are so many Amazing Vendors,

so many Fabulous & Luscious Displays

& so much Creativity & Artistic expression,

it's hard NOT to be AWED by the entire event, it's that GOOD!

I loved this little vintage baby swing.

This is my Sweet Friend,  Rita Reade's booth...

She is the co-organizer of this event, an amazing artist & teacher
& I ADORE her beautiful Italian accent.
She's absolutely CHARMING!

One of the classes she teaches is soldering & we all know how badly I need to take that class! lol
I haven't picked up my soldering iron, since my last failed attempt.

What a yummmmmy bed, right?

Oh, & I need to tell you a much known fact about my friend Rita...
she's the QUEEN of Signs!!  ;)

My dear friend Jennie of Rustic Chic & I, loved this designer we discovered at

Y'all know that since I've been to Texas I've been Doilified...
well, everything Lexa had was right up my alley
made out of gorgeous vintage doilies, can I get a Woot Woot!!

Here's my friend & artist Lisa Loria's booth, filled with whimsy & wonder...

one of her new creations is this adorable little dog made from everything vintage,
except the kitchen sink!  ;)
Isn't it sooooo CUTE?

This vintage mannequin by Denise of White Horse Relics was GLORIOUS!!!
Check out the wings & shoulder-pads, crown & chicken wire...

what a STUNNING display!
{thank you Sara} :)))

The Two Wild Roses, Lori & Jamie, were there with their new baby,

a completely decked out Vintage Shasta Travel Trailer with

The interior of this vintage trailer is AWESOME & my friends,
did all the custom design & construction on this beauty.
You will LOVE IT!

And right next door to them is Miss Tricia of Vintage Bliss with her booth full
of Goodies & her too cool for school Vintage Canned Ham.
I am LOVING this, a taste of Texas right here in my own backyard!

{Lydia, my sales rep for SPOONIN & Jenelle}
And now here we are, back at the very beginning of my story.
Not only did I go to this show because it was a beautiful summer day
& I wanted to see all of these glorious sights & creative friends,
I was also going to meet some new friends too!
I recently did blog designs for both Lydia of Lydia Says
They are great friends who art together & inspire each other & they introduced me to
Sharon, {pictured in the 1st photo} creator of Launch Your Creativity
& owner & designer of Pansy Cottage & Garden.
There is sooooo much more to this story, which I will tell you about a little later,
but for now, let me introduce you to my new Sales Rep for SPOONIN...
Do the words, I am so DARNED EXCITED, mean anything to anybody??
Friends, I'm so darn excited! Thank You Lydia for taking my jewelry on as one of your
product lines & believing in me enough to think this MIGHT actually happen!
Your confidence means everything to me!!!
Sooooo, if you feel like venturing out this weekend & want to do a little arting & antiquing,
grab your camera & get yourself to
& tell them vintagesusie sent you!  ;)


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Yippppeeeee...I'm in Belle Armoire Jewelry!!!

I hope you all had an AWESOME, Relaxing & Joy Filled
Memorial Day Weekend!
Here in the mountains of So Cal, one could never expect that Saturday & Sunday
of this holiday weekend would be entirely yucky, cold, rainy & foggy.
Now, I'm not complaining...well yeah, I kinda am,
but Thank the Heavens above, Monday made up for was Gorgeous.
The children were gone, the house was ours & hubby & I spent
the entire day making 'SPOONIN' Jewelry in the sun, PERFECTION!

And to make life even Sweeter...
today is the day my first, four page spread in
Can anybody give me a HECK YEAH!  ;)

I am sooooooo OVER THE MOON, I just want to share everything with you!
Ever since I picked up that very 1st Artful Blogging magazine almost 2 years ago in Baltimore, I knew I wanted my art to one day grace the pages of a Stampington Publication. It started with a little, simple encouragement by my dear friend Diane Cook from rosa & josie's.

She & her gorgeous jewelry design, have been published many times. At some point while
we were working together, I told her my dream & asked her how she went about submitting
her work. Diane was completely generous & supportive & emailed me this link...the Stampington Submissions. It gives all the guidelines needed to submit your work & be
considered for publication & then she said "Go for it & don't be defeated if you
don't get in on your 1st attempt, I've been declined many times!"

What, Diane declined...well, that's all it took for me to BELIEVE I too could TRY!
I choose my beloved Heirloom Jewelry to send in & I really did focus on my Presentation.
I tried to incorporate some of my favorite vintage elements into the design, vintage photo album pages, antique lace, old frayed fabric ribbon & a crocheted flower pin. The last day for submission was January 15 & I couldn't get it together until the 18th...but I sent it off anyway with my fingers crossed. It took a couple months before I heard anything from them, but then I received an email
that started with, 'Congratulations'!  

And to make a long story even
there were some more wonderful surprises in this edition.
Diane Cook also has a beautiful article called,
'With One Finding'
A Jewelry Collaboration Between Like Minds
& the ad I designed for 'ARTBLISS' is nestled comfortably
next to all the other ads, as if it's no big deal.
Now...what is the point of this post, just to toot my own horn?
There's a little tooting going on, but the bigger picture I'm trying to paint is,
It wouldn't be Brave if it wasn't Scary, you can make your DREAMS happen.
I LOVE the last lines of 'Under the Tuscan Sun',
"Unthinkably good things can happen even this late in the game. It's such a surprise."
That it is Sweet Hearts, that it is.
