
Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Bliss Guild

I just love the idea of 'Following Your Bliss', don't you?
It gives such a perfect imagery to living your passion, of allowing your BLISS to
lead you & watching the Magic that surrounds you when you do.
Many of you may already know Alice & Roxi, the co-founders of
I am so very honered & excited that my 'SPOONIN' line of jewelry
has been featured this month as one of their 'Favorite Finds'.
Thank you so very much friends for your lovely post,
for holding my hand & following along with me on this journey,
for always being there with a kind word or a tender gesture,
for helping me 'Follow my Bliss'...
for all of this sweet friends, I am truly grateful!
Take a moment to stop by & meet these inspiring women,
I know you'll be happy that you did!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Picnik Play & a re-design

Hey, Sweeties...
I've had a great last couple of weeks with so many new doors opening up for me, getting a chance to meet so many new friends that I absolutely adore & having a chance to spend some time with one of my favorite old friends, Jennie from Rustic Chic. I had fun designing a fresh, new makeover for her blog & we both love the results! {check her site out HERE to see a few of the changes we made}

Do you like to play with your photo's in Picnik???
I LOVE it, I have so much fun trying all the different photo effects they have.
This one is the Adjustable Threshold effect...

And the one above is the Cross Process effect.
My very FAVORITEST touch up ones are the Teeth Whiten & Insta-Thin!
By the way, did I mention I LOVE Picnik?  ;)
Saturday, my friends & I went to a local concert at a venue I had never been
to before, the San Manuel Ampitheater which is truly AWESOME & really close to my house.
It's a quiant, midsize arena with a beautiful outdoor settting! You can purchase grass seats & sit on the greenest grass you've ever seen & there's a lovely little lake on the hillside below it as you walk in. It was very cool, I don't think there's a bad seat in the house! And guess who we saw??
Drum roll please...
The opening act was, The Band Perry
then...Luke Bryan, who not only is an amazing artist, but SUPER funny
& the Main Attraction... 'Tim Macgraw' on his 'Emotional Traffic Tour'!!!
Yeah, I was mainly attracted to him alright...he was FANTASTIC!! ;)
What an amazing performer, if he comes to your home town GO!!!
You will NOT be disappointed. Tim Rocks his Country, Just Right!!!
Gotta Run Friends...there's something I need to do,
I just forgot what it was!! LOL  ;)
