
Saturday, September 3, 2011

I'm in GYPSYVILLE, Yeeee Hawwww!!!

Greetings Friends from far & wide!
I hope you're all lovin your weekend & enjoyin these last days of summer...I know I am!
Soooooo, y'all know how much I LOVE Round Top, Texas, right?
And y'all know that from my very 1st trip there, I fell MADLY in LOVE with the
Darlin Junk Gypsy's!

 Here's my Junk Gypsy's during Round Top's Spring Festival at
Miss Teresa of Garden Antique's, blog party...
Miss Amie, Miss Jolie & Miss Janie.
I sooooo ADORE them!

 Well, check this out Sweeties, I'm so DARNED excited I could BURST!
{that wouldn't be purdy now, would it? lol}
If you click right HERE , you'll see what all the fuss is about.
Yes, that'd be my 'SPOONIN' necklace in GYPSYVILLE...
Can you BELIEVE it???
Me, an honorary Junk Gypsy...Yeeeee Hawwww, Baby!!!
Yeeeeeeee Hawwwwwww!
Thanks Sweet Gypsy's, y'all just give me WINGS!!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Beads Are Here From Sweden!!!

 Hi Sweetest of Hearts...I hope you're having a wonderful week!!
I have been ever so patiently waiting for my beads to arrive from my new friend,
my Bead Soup partner from Sweden & can I just tell you...

 Malin sent me several little, beautifully packaged jewelry boxes,
each filled to the brim with complete yummieness!
My very favoritest one is filled with beads of various textures & sizes.
Glass, wood, ceramic, all in subtle hues of blue, cream & brown.
Like I said, simply 'YUMMY', I adore them Malin!   ;)

 She also included a drawstring bag filled with fiber...
How did she know I needed a little more fiber in my diet?

 And a box filled with lovely silver clasps & silver beads,
big chunky, white tulip beads, white beads of all shapes & sizes,
including 2 little animal shaped beads,
3 red, white & blue beads
& some vintage silver toned chain.
Such a thoughtful & perfectly balanced bunch of ingredients for me to make my SOUP with!

With all that said, am I allowed to say what I LOVE the most about my SOUP?
It has something to do with sari silk & blue ceramic...
Don't forget to stop back by to see the Big Reveal on September 17th,
I can't hold myself back anymore...
it's time to start COOKING!!!!
Is it SOUP YET??
