
Monday, November 21, 2011

French Larkspur, A Purse & A Birthday

Happy Monday Sweeties...
This week is a very Special One for all of us with Thanksgiving literally,
right around the corner.
But being a Thanksgiving Baby, that means my birthday is right around the corner too!  ;)
{this Friday to be exact}

I had been thinking about what I might want for my special day & being the purse
junkie that I am, of course I thought of a new purse. Initially my mind went to the basics,
Coach, Brighton, maybe something really fancy...
& then I remembered a purse I had fallen in LOVE with when I had last
seen my dear friend Charlene of My Heart's Ease.

She had told me she ordered it from Tracey at The French Larkspur,
so that set me on my quest to find the PURSE of my DREAMS.
Well, the purse of my DREAMS arrived today, along with some other little
wonders that Tracey sweetly tucked into my parcel.

Some pages torn from old french books, adorable little paper butterflies
made from vintage paper & a beautiful, vintage, handwritten
french ledger sheet...I ADORE them!

And Viola...there it was just as lovely as I had remembered it!!!

Rousseau No 56...
I told you I liked that purse when I saw it Charlene, I really, really liked it!!! LOL

Now when we walk the fields of Marburger together, we'll have our matching
purses & our Maggie Pearl on & we'll look STUNNING!!! :))
Love you friend!!

And as if that wasn't enough, my Daddy got me the new Kindle Fire for my birthday,
 which has been attached to my arm since I opened it.
Life is Good...
& if I don't get back before hand, I want to wish everyone a
Wonderful Thanksgiving,
& most of all
