
Friday, February 10, 2012

TGIF & New Jewelry Designs for Etsy

Hey there Sweeties, TGIF!!!
After a long week of jewelry design & babysitting,
2 things that don't really go together all that well...
I'm sooooo excited that it's finally Friday!
I've already got a fab spinach & chicken flatbread pizza
cooking in the oven, frozen of COURSE!!!
Made up a tray of salami, pepperjack cheese & yummy crackers,
& I'm just about ready to crack open a bottle of White Zinfandel...
I tell ya, do I know how to live or what! lol

Since my hands are full & I can't type when my hands are full,
I'll just let you feast your eyes on all my etsy WONDER...
'The Saint'

And this ones for me...

'Madonna & Child'

made with my Grandmother's vintage rosary

& a tiny skeleton key that unlocks the treasure box where
I keep my most Secret Dreams.

Where do you keep your secret dreams?
Have an amazing weekend friends!!
