
Saturday, March 30, 2013

200 Years Of Jane Austen

 {Miss Elizabeth Bennet of Pride & Prejudice}

Greetings Sweeties, on this beautiful, sunny spring morning!

The birdies are chirping outside as I type this post & think
of Jane sitting in her room writing with the windows
thrown open, also listening to the sound of birds.

{and my beloved Mr. Darcy}

This year is the 200th Anniversary of the first book Jane Austen
had published, 'Pride & Prejudice' in 1813. How wonderful that
this story remains one of the greatest ever written & still holds
such relevance in a world so changed from the one Jane
knew. But the heart stays the same & the love story
of Miss Bennet & Mr. Darcy forever touches us.

{Miss Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibilty} 

In honor of Miss Austen, I have added a new collection to
my paper doll series...Favorite Authors & Characters.

Who doesn't adore Jane's story, 'Sense & Sensibility'?

 {Miss Marianne Dashwood, Elinor's sister}

The tale of two sister's, one proper & wise, the other
headstrong & impetuous & their trials & tribulations
to find love & security, I know I DO!

And who doesn't love Emma?

Her idea of being the perfect matchmaker, in the peaceful
village she lives in with her Father, proves it's self to be
so far from the truth, she must resign herself to
never trying to 'make a match' again. lol

And what a surprise it is for her, to find her true love
has been right in front of her the whole time.

Classic stories, written by a woman in a time when
women didn't work & the only hope a woman had
of a happy life was to find a husband. Jane went
against both of these stereotypes & even with
a heart & soul so filled with passion & love,
she remained unmarried her entire life.

My next paper doll will be of Jane herself & I will
share with you the fun fabric book I made to hold
them all in. If you are interested in seeing more of
these paper dolls or any of my others, check out
my etsy store HERE!!!

I'm off to go check out some more of the jewelry
designs created for Miss Lori Anderson's,
7th Bead Soup EXTRAVAGANZA!!!
They are Amazing!
I'm in the 3rd reveal which is open on April 20th,
so check back to see my design if you get a chance.

Happy Spring Friends...
it's time to feel the renewal of life,
to smell the sweet fragrance of flowers,
& enjoy the warmth of the sun on our faces!
