
Monday, November 18, 2013

The Gorgeous Del Coronado Hotel

Greetings Universe, from sunny Southern California....
I have been so remiss in blogging as of late, I even cancelled
my entire account & then changed my mind & was happily
surprised to find out a blog can be brought back from the dead.
I think what's happened with me is 2 fold...
my hearts not really onto my blog right now, I would just
so much rather be creating then writing, but also...I feel I've told
my story. I've shared so much over the years, the fabulous & the
painful, it leaves me feeling a little mute to my blogging.
But, this past year has been soooo fabulous, filled with so much
joy & love & wonderful adventures, I can't help but feel like
sharing. I spent most of last week in the San Diego area & it
couldn't have been more lovely. While there I had to visit
one of my FAVORITE spots in So Cali...
Located about as far south in California as you can get,
the Hotel Del is such a historic gem. Built in 1888, this
was the largest resort in the WORLD at the time of it's
unveiling. It catered to the elite & was visited by
royalty, President's & movie stars.
The concept for the hotel was to be built around an
interior courtyard filled with lush & tropical plants,
which is still represented beautifully today. 
When my daughter was growing up, we lived about an hour from
The Del. On any given weekend you could find us making
our way down the coast to this island paradise.
You don't need to check in to have an amazing time here.
We would wander through this jewel from the past,
looking at all her gorgeous nooks & cranny's.
We would walk out onto the sand & frolic in sea
with The Del as our backdrop.
We would shop the little boutiques in the corridors below
the hotel & at the end of the day, we would have lunch
in her historic dining room.
Sadly, the historic dining room has been changed, making room
for a 'modern restaurant', but I do so LOVE The Hotel Del.
I love it for what it was & for what it is. Whenever I'm in
San Diego I find myself drawn to the large steel bridge,
 that takes me to an island, that takes me to a
diamond that still shines so brightly
in my heart...
Until we meet again old friend!!!