
Monday, June 23, 2014

Vintage Family Records

Happy Monday Friends...

If you have followed me with any regularity, you
already know that is my passion.

A couple of years ago after watching a few episodes of 'Who Do You
Think You Are', I became really interested in finding
out as much as I could about my heritage
& where I came from.

Through my research I came across these amazing
Vintage Family Records & have enjoyed
using them to keep track & record
some of my family lines.

I thought you might enjoy playing with them too!!

They are so beautiful & nothing made today can
even compare to these lovely vintage images.

With the Fourth of July  right around the corner, I like
to remember the history of my ancestors & what
they have done to keep our Nation Free.

Several of my 6x Great Grandfathers & Uncles
fought in the Revolutionary War out of places
like Ohio, Pennsylvania & Virginia.

We fought in the War of 1812,

the Indian Wars...

& the Civil War, both for the North & South.

My story is truly an American Story...

& looking at all the hero's in my family tree,
including my Father, it's a great reminder that
Freedom does NOT come Free!

I hope you enjoy these images of vintage Family Records,
all found through The Library of Congress.

For me, doing this kind of research is like being the family detective.
Hunting down clues, looking for a confirmation on a hunch
& sometimes even chasing ghosts.

But I am the keeper of the past...
the holder of the archives...
the memory of a family.

It's what I do,
it's what I've always done.

I look to the future in the hope that another generation will
follow me & find value in these things, as I do. That they too
will want to know more about where they came from &
will continue to tell the stories of our American Family.
Maybe they will even remember a distant grandmother who's
great, great grandparents were the children of men who
fought in the Civil War for the North & the South,
proving that in the end, we are all just American's.
