
Monday, December 22, 2014

More Vintage Christmas Ads!

Well here we are again, just a few days away from the Miracle
of Christmas & I'm thinking...'What would be a fun thing to
blog about?', when I remember one of my most popular
posts was the one I did 3 years ago on...
Vintage Christmas Ads!
They always make me smile & even provide a few Holiday
chuckles, which is always appreciated right about now.
For example, look at the wonderment & joy all the street goers
have when they see this top of the line, Smith Corona typewriter.
It's reminds me of walking by the Apple store today & look at
the little girl. She's so darned excited, she's got her nose
pressed up against the window! That's a secretary
in training without a doubt, right!
This ad is truly appropriate, because really...who wouldn't want a Rolex
for Christmas. I would just like a Rolex before I die,  although I'm
quite sure THAT will never happen. The part of this ad that
is disturbing for me, is that I'm pretty sure this gentleman
is stalking someone under the Christmas Star!
Now, I know I'm being very paranoid & I DO watch way to much of
the Investigation Discovery channel...but look at the scene. He's
dressed all in black, he's wearing gloves, he's got binoculars,
it's pitch black outside & he's lookin at his new Rolex.
Something's up here people, just sayin!
 The gift of a Holiday Ham, I totally get it. What says Christmas
better then a choice cut of pork? I watched 'Christmas With
The Kranks' & that's REAL!
Oh, I just had to include this ad cuz I NEVER knew how much
fun TAPE could be. That's right, TAPE! All the movie stars
& celebrities have it & they're decorating EVERYTHING
with this amazing sticky stuff. You can even tape all of
your Christmas cards on to your tree,
way to go BING!
From my last post we all know how much cigarettes are loved &
wished for by everyone on your Christmas List. I mean the slogan
says it all...'Make it a Happy Go Lucky Christmas! Give
cartons of Luckies!' Well, I couldn't imagine wanting
anything more, that is except for...
a new ZIPPO Lighter!!! Look at the joy the shop owner has playin
with fire with those cute little kiddos! How old do you think
those little guys are?? Maybe 5 &'re never too
young to learn about how to work a ZIPPO.
 These kids are even YOUNGER, standing at the door of their parents
room early Christmas morning, each with a personalized ZIPPO
lighter for Mom & Dad. Even the dog looks excited! Looks
like little Johnny may have been practicing with his. I
hope they don't hear any fire trucks in the background,
as they frolic with their holiday cigs & flames. ;)

Even though white twinkle lights ALWAYS make everything
look better, I still love the glow of a hot, colored bulb on an
old tinseled Christmas tree. I can remember burning my
arm on them when I'd be decorating the tree, but
who cares, hot or not, they looked Great!
Even today, the gift of a Holiday FILL UP is probably one
of the most prized gifts a person can receive. Yes, the prices
are dropping, but there is still nothing like saying, 'Filler
up with Ethel' at 50 cents a gallon & not even having
to get out of the car. Ahhh, those WERE the days! 
Oh my GOODNESS, you bet I'll never forget the Christmas I
got my first Cadillac. That's cuz it NEVER happened &
I'm pretty sure it won't be happening any time soon.
But one can always hope & of course, ask Santa
again next year! DREAM BIG!!
And last but not least, a Christmas wish from someone
we all love & respect...
Happy Holidays from OJ Simpson & the words that will go down in
infamy. "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit." And we did
my friends, we certainly did. LOL
I hope you enjoyed our blast from the past with all of the Wonderful
Vintage Christmas Ads & if you'd like to see my 1st post like this,
you can find it here. Dearest friends, I'm wishing you a Holiday
filled with LOVE & Laughter & a New Year Blessed
with PEACE. Big Hugs....