
VS Linen & Lace Books

I've been creating vintage Linen & Lace Assemblage Books
long before I ever sold any of them. I started by making little
books just for me...a celebration for my love of vintage
fabrics, trims, doily's & antique baby images.
I then made some as gifts for my dear family & friends who,
surprisingly, adored them as much as I did. And thus
another creative venture was added to my line of
items sold in my vintagesusie etsy shop.
One of my favorite things to do when creating my books, is to
add vintage baby clothing from my collection to create a
page. It feels so whimsical & is such a fun surprise
to unfold the arms & see what hides beneath.
Each book tells a little story, using cut out words from
antique, 1800's children's school books & every
book is a one of a kind!
I LOVE adding pockets, so the book can be added to with
some of it's new owners special trinkets & treasures.
These are heirlooms in the making & can also be custom
ordered to use your own family photos. Just contact me
through my etsy shop or request a custom order.
I Love, love, LOVE these sweet little Linen & Lace Books
& hope you do to. You can check out more pictures
of them on my Instagram.
The only real problem I have with these books is parting
with them...I put a little piece of my heart into each one.
Enjoy looking...