
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Shop Girl & Domino's

What a fun & exciting week this has been for me at the shop! The shop is also my studio. Since I spend so much time there it only made sense to bring all my art & craft supplies & spend my down time creating. Creativity centers me, it calms me, it focuses me & it is my passion. I've been absorbed in a project over the past couple weeks of making vintage domino pendants to sell. It started by a walk across the street to our local Senior Center Thrift Store (yes, how cool is that, my shop has a GREAT thrift store right across the street) where I stumbled upon an old wooden box of ivory colored domino's. I did a little research & it seemed that alcohol inks were the best product to use to color the dominos. I then printed out some images I got from ArtChix Studio on photo paper & glued them on. I top coated with a polyurethane, added a top & bottom eye hook, some ribbon & beads & put the 7 I made on the floor yesterday morning. Well, you can imagine how excited I was when one of my 1st customers came in, fell in love with 2, couldn't choose which one she liked best & bought both...yeah!!! So this vintage picture is a Celebration of Domino's, Art & Women Entrepreneur's. I'll get some pictures of the pendants & post them asap & add them to my Etsy Shop. In art I create things not knowing if anyone else will appreciate there beauty other then me, I create for me because I like the concept... it's always nice when your creative force is validated. I guess that's what we all do for each other here. Truly, thanks to all my blogfriends who give me inspiration everyday, who humble me with their magnificent creations & who make me feel apart of such a wonderful community of artists! :)

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand your words when you speak of how your art centers you. I too am very grounded when do my craft. It's a job I wouldn't trade for anything. I am unable to work outside the home now so having a purpose is neccessary for me. I love my print and can't wait to find the frame I want and then blog on it. You'll have to watch for my blog on it. Nah, I'll come tell you when it's up. :)


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