
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's a Wonderful Life & a Blog Banner for a Friend

{another 1st 3 column banner}

Have you ever just felt stuck? It's only been snowing for a couple of days now & already I'm experiencing the dreaded 'Cabin Fever'! I feel like I have places to go & people to see, Christmas shopping that needs to be finished, parcels that need to be mailed, wrappings & bows that need to be bought & eggnog that's calling my name at the store, but we're snowed in so here I sit in my robe trying to stay warm & hoping by some miracle {called Robert} that we'll be able to get out today! Trying not to feel sorry for myself, I decided to watch 'It's A Wonderful Life' my favorite Christmas movie & work on a surprise gift for a friend, a personal blog banner. Lucy at the hill has been a sweet blog friend to me. I love her blog & photographs, so this morning I played with them & hope she likes what I came up with. The initial background texture is by 'Playing With Brushes', but all the other layers are from Lucy's blog. Now, with my Holiday Classic over & my banner finished for the moment, I'm reminded that "no man is a failure who has friends" & that the friends & loved ones we have make us the "richest man in town", or woman! Thank you friends for I am so very rich indeed!!!


  1. oh my goodness!!! What a LOVELY surprise!! You are just such a Sweeet Susie!! Love it, love it!! I was just checking email and leaving the house, I will get my banner up tonight hopefully. It is just beautiful! Don't those geese look gorgeous? Your POWERS are showing my dear!

    We have hardly any snow (very unusual). Last year it was at least 4 feet deep by now. Cold though! -25C and I have to go running around and then to a Christmas party at the nursing home! Bye for now and thankyou BBB (Best Blog Buddy) (I made that up, LOL)

  2. Oh now that is beautiful!! We have not had the "snow" as yet. I'm waiting for it.. goodness knows, i'm waiting. Only a powder the morning before. I have downloaded a trial copy of photobucket.... now what? Phlattttt hehehe. I want to figure out how folks put that soft white snowy look around their pictures. I love that look.

    Tammy... stop by for a giveaway... shabby stuff!! :)

  3. I love this movie and it should have warmed your heart. Sorry you are snowed in, It is 16 degrees here but no snow yet. Coos Bay usually doesn't get much snow but it is cold today!

    I am sure your friend will love the banner and I want to tell you that i am so happy I found you and your blog. I enjoyed reading very much.

    Wish I could visit your shop too.

    Hugs and have a great week...stay warm!

  4. What a great saying to remember!! Thanks for that.
    We were wondering how much snow fell in the mountains-is there more to come? I was hoping to get up there this weekend!

  5. Great Post...Thank you for sharing.Warmest Regards,Cat

  6. Just want to say, everytime I open my blog I am thrilled with the banner! I really, truly love it! thanks again Susie!

  7. You have such talent creating blog banners. This one is stunning. It has a wonderfully earthy feel about it that is infused with the warmth of sunshine.

  8. Oh are SO not supposed to make me cry by leaving me the sweetest comment ever about sis's nativity! sniff sniff! Thank you, you have no idea how much it meant to me!
    PLUS...YOU are the little giving angel as Lucy's banner is just gorgeous!!!! Oh I just love the simple gifts...and giving is really the best part!
    Thank you for being in MY blog world!!!
    everything vintage

  9. Susie,
    This banner is an absolute favorite!!! I am so in love with the colors and everything about it that I am going to have to visit Lucy now!
    By the way ~ the way that you design things is so glorious and very attractive to my spirit. It keeps me coming back... the Benjamin Button quote has always been a favorite of mine and now I know you are friends with my friend Jodie! Wow, I keep finding more things to like and admire about you! so Glad to have met you!


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