
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lots of Llama Love in Colorado

Whitewater, Colorado

My sister Kristen feeding her llama's in the mountains above Grand Junction.

Her very AWESOME log home...what an amazing view she has!

The vineyard, ready & waiting for the snow to melt to show the first bud of spring.

Lots of Llama Love!!!

In the barn looking out.

Regal & Proud, her llama's are packers.

Face to face...

A smile only a Mother could love....

I had the BESTEST time in Colorado visiting Kristen, John & their furry friends! I fell in love with Grand Junction, mesa's, llama's, jerky & pellet stoves. My holiday has been amazing & I hope all of you are having an amazing holiday too! With the 2010 fast approaching, I'm going to sit back, sip a glass of wine & take the time to reflect on the many blessings this past year has given me. One of them has been the serendipitous great fortune of finding all of you!!! :)
{more pictures to come of course}


  1. Susie!

    This is a beautiful post! So glad that you had time to spend with your family! The photos are AWESOME!!!LOL! LUV THE LLAMAS!

    And Home for the Holidays is one of my all time favorite songs. I used to play it on the piano. This is a better key than Kenny Loggins higher pitched one!!!

    Enjoy the wine, girl!



  2. Oh! This is Kenny Loggins! It's a lower key than the piano music I have!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!