
Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Flea Market Fun

{vintage baby christening gown for a mere $5...that's mine, thank you}
Follow the Wild & Wacky escapades of the 'Old Town Crestline Junker's' as they make their way through the convoluted aisles & alleys of the Friday morning Flea! Watch them as they haggle to save $2, see them turn away & say no only to return to get the treasure for an amazing bargain price, witness their incredibly rusty & slightly broken cart as it fills to the brim with unimaginable wonders!!!
{my daughter Courtney found this one, brand new in the box...grasshopper, I have taught you well}
{isn't it soooooo pretty, the lace is really lovely}

{vintage Golden Books .25 cents, you can never have too many of those}

{camp blanket $2 & vintage prints $8 for the set...Niiiiiiiice}

{vintage satin stocking holder $6...I want to keep this one but since I haven't worn a pair of stockings since 1974, suntan, I will tell myself 'NO'}

{SOLD ~ vintage Boy Scout Handbook $FREE, thrown in with the set of vintage prints. I love the 50's, don't those boys look 'HAPPY' & doesn't it look like 2 of them might be twins??? Yes, I do have an inquiring mind!}

Not included in the pics is a very cool set of blue Bernard prints for $15 & a working, vintage wrist watch I got for a buck. What can I say, I have more fun buying for my shop then I actually do working there! LOL It looks like Courtney, Jenni & Susie had another amazing adventure this morning digging through junk, eatting burritos, passing out one's like they were going out of style & laughing through most of it! Wouldn't you like to come along with me on my next adventure? Till next time...



  1. Great finds! The christening gown your daughter found is beautiful.

  2. AHEM. (again) WHERE do you go to find these fun things??????? I'm dy'in over here!! It sounds like the most fun day of all, including the burrito!
    love you,
    p.s. Brenna says Hi!

  3. I always love a good flea market! You did good, girlie! Cold and started raining so just did a few garage sales today and found nothing, darn it! I need a good flea market to scrounge in!


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