
Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Great Visit from a Friend

{all the lovely photos are courtesy of Lynn at Blue Skies}
Hello Sweet Friends! This week, even though the weather was completely sucky, my lovely friend Lynn from Blue Skies, came by to visit me at my shop 'Lambs & Ivy Boutique' & what an 'AMAZING' visit it was! She came up to bring me some of the most delicious vintage art inspired Valentine's bottles that I can sell at the shop & they are 'oh so charming'.


It seems like whenever Lynn comes by the shop, things start happening! More people come in & out of the store then usual, sales pick-up, the phone rings & on this particular visit, our local mountain newspaper reporter, Cat Robertson, showed up working on an article about local merchants & the variety of Valentine gifts that can be purchased right here on the mountain. Right off the bat, Cat fell in love with one of Lynn's creations which had to be hers, then with camera in hand, she wandered through the shop taking photos of little vignettes that could complement her article. With Lynn flashing away & Cat flashing away, I felt like my little shop was soaring into celebrity status, lol.

Soooooooo, of course after Cat left...Lynn & I hugged & jumped up & down with the sheer joy & excitement of the whole, amazing event. What fun simple, unexpected pleasures can be!!

So, thank you Lynn for being my friend, thank you for taking the time to drive up a scarey mountain top to come & see me, thank you for your awesome artwork that you share with me & allow me to sell in my shop, thank you for your lovely post at Blue Skies, about 'Lambs & Ivy' & most of all thank you for being my secret muse who's magical energy seems to always make something GRAND happen whenever you're around!

Blue Skies


  1. Susie,
    My best memory of that day was when Cat left and you had the biggest grin on your face and we both whooped and jumped up and down. It cemented it for me that you are special!!!
    love, Lynn

  2. Good morning Susie! Wow! your shop is beautiful and I can see the love you put into it.......I can see the WORK too! So lovely to have a visit and all that goodness happening too! Have a great week!
    (link in posting to Lynn's needs fixing)Some lovely pictures over at Lynn's blog.


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!