
Sunday, May 23, 2010


Greetings Sweet Friends,
We finally got my Daddy home to his own house where we know he will heal & get better so much quicker. Amazingly, his life threatening injuries are no longer the biggest, it's all about time & patience. He's so cute because when asked how he's feeling or how much pain he's in, his answer is..."I just feel a general state of miserableness." Ya Think....He's a lucky, lucky man to be alive & we in return are a lucky family to have this 2nd chance & the knowledge that, 'This too shall pass.'
While waiting for my Father to recover in his hospital in Escondido, I was blessed to be able to work with Cindy from sweet bead studio on a flyer & blog button for her upcoming 'Inaugural Event' in Washington DC this fall...ARTBLISS! This event is a weekend full of workshops, shopping, food & fun from September 24th ~ 26th. {oh, how I wish I lived closer & could attend!}

I love all of the vintage, patriotic elements we used in these two pieces & think this adorable little boy waving his flag is just the cutest! {wouldn't he be fun to have on your sidebar with all of our National Holidays coming up?} Thank you Cindy, so very much, for having the confidence to use me during such a stressful time & for giving me a reason to create & a moment in everyday to take my mind to a different place & time & to remember to smile!
And, Thanks Again Friends for all of your Loving & Supportive Comments.
You will never know how very much they have meant to me & my family!!!



  1. Hi Susie, oh I'm so sorry I'm behind reading and catching up with you! Sounds like you and your family have been through some trauma, but I am really happy to hear that now it's all looking up for your Dad. I'm very close to my Dad as well...take care,

  2. Good news on your dad sweetie. Be blessed. Cindy

  3. Another things ya gotta love about men - they have absolutely no patience when it comes to healing....

  4. So happy to hear that your father is well on the pathway to healing. Wishing you peace and a week filled with loveliness! Thank you for visiting me and for your kind comments. ~ Angela

  5. Glad to hear your father is doing better.

  6. It's great news about your Dad! Hey I wanna go to ArtBliss too but yep its too far away. I will be out of town to my Grandson's graduation but will stop by after that and see how you are doing. Hugs Judy

  7. Susie~ I'm glad to hear your father is on the mend...hope he is feeling himself soon! Your pieces for Art Bliss turned out charming!

  8. Hi sweet friend!! So glad to hear your dad is HOME! And the button is adorable! Sure sounds like a fun event!!
    Hey, you are missing chain conditions in the mountains here...we woke up to rain, thunder, lightening and large hail!!!
    I sure miss you!

  9. Hi Susie.....! Happy to hear your dad is now at home. It's so much better than a hospital!
    Love your Art Bliss creations. Must have been fun to create!

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog, Susie, and for your sweet comment. Your blog is beautfiul and so peaceful. Glad your father is home and recovering.

  11. Susie,
    I am so glad to hear that your dad is home and just in a "general state of miserableness." He is so lucky!

    I am at Mayo with my brother who is 55 and in remission from stage four esophageal cancer. Always a scary trip.He is two years out, which is good.

    I am going to get back to you. I basically want you to "redo" the banner, as Katie made is for me from a kimono she has. It just doesn't seemed spaced large enough...or something!! You will know. Then I wanted you to look at the general layout and tell me how to make it look more professional. I will write you a real letter...a real email that is!!!.I am just excited to have you do something!

    Gotta get the serious stuff over first!!!


  12. So glad Daddy is doing better. When at Petticoats & Parasols, Jo Packham spoke about her 80 + year old Dad (that lives with her) & how every morning he wakes up & says "Oh my hell I'm still alive". That so made me laugh. She is so cute when she says it & puts the inphase on it just as you can imagine him doing it.

    How blessed that Daddy is home & doing well. Now, you can begin to get your life back. But, I have to say that flier is yummy. I saw it when I went to my friend Deryn's Mentocks blog. She is one of the teachers at that event. LOVE your work. But, you already knew that. A GREAT BIG HUG TO YOU! Charlene

  13. I absolutely love what you did for ArtBliss!

  14. Too cute! My daughter has found some little flags I got in some stuff from the auction and has been running around with them saying " Go! GO! Go!" She is definitely ready for the 4th of July or the Olympics. The sign is just precious! Glad your dad is home.

  15. Hello Susie! I am soooo happy that your Dad is back home and on the mend. With your love and care he'll be feeling much better soon, no doubt. Will keep him in my prayers. I need to thank YOU for transforming a vision into something so wonderful. I love your badge adn flyer so much I wish I could redesign my blog around them. :-) You are so fantastic to work with, you'll be hearing from me again when the time comes to work on publicity. Sending you a big hug!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!