
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

sarducci's & san juan capistrano

Greeting Friends from Laguna Hills, California! Dad is doing soooo much better, it's hard to believe he was teetering on death 5 short weeks ago. We had a lovely outing yesterday to San Juan Capistrano where we enjoyed the sunshine, lunch in the courtyard of Sarducci's & a little stroll in the Old Town district of Los Rios Street on the other side of the train tracks. Isn't this photograph fabulous of the Capistrano Depot in 1895...I ADORE the dress!

This is the same building 115 years later, can you see the courtyard? That's where Dad & I sat & had our lunch next to the center fountain, while a couple of little, hot sparrows braved the crowd & took a leisurely bath. Watching these little birds that have been visiting the Mission every summer for centuries is such a joy, they always make me smile.
The Cliff Swallow is a migratory bird that spends its winters in Goya, Argentina, but makes the 6,000 mile trek north to our warmer climate in springtime. According to legend, the birds first took refuge at the Mission after an irate innkeeper began destroying their mud nests. The Mission's location near two rivers made it an ideal location for the swallows to nest, as there was a constant supply of the insects on which they feed, and the young birds were well-protected inside the ruins of the old stone church.

As one walks along the Los Rios Historic District of San Juan, you get a glimpse of Capistrano's past and the oldest residential street in California. The adobe houses were built here in 1794 by the builders & the ranch hands of the Mission. To walk this street is to recapture the tranquillity of the slower pace of life that existed before the turn of the century and before. It was not long ago that the streets were still dirt. Willow trees grow among eucalyptus and palm. Cactus and wildflowers grow beneath sprays of bougainvillea.

So friends, if you ever get a chance to visit beautiful Mission San Juan Capistrano, don't forget to go to the depot & wander over to the other side of the tracks. History & serenity await you there, along with the soft mellow sound of Mission bells. A day to remember for us both I think!


  1. BEAUTIFUL POST! I am so glad you & sweet Papa had lunch there. Looks divine. And I would love to visit. Know a good tour guide? Just think of all the places we could go & all the shopping... HUGS! Charlene

  2. How lovely for the two of you to have a special moment in time. You are blessed indeed. In the late 70's my Sweet Man and I visited this very place. It is almost magickal and very serene. Lovely to see it again.

  3. So happy to hear your Dad is doing well and that you had such a wonderful lunch together!

  4. AH~MAZE~ING!!!

    I just love the past and present photos - it just pulls you back in time. Sooo happy to hear that your father is doing well.

  5. Glorious news about your father! What a wonderful day y'all must have had. Love the photos and the information that you have shared! Have a wonderful week. ~ Angela

  6. Glad to hear your father is doing so much better. What a great place for lunch.

  7. I'm thrilled to hear your Dad is doing so well!!

    I take my daughter down to San Juan Cap every month or 2 for the fantastic Petting Zoo down there! You're right, it is just beautiful :)

  8. I'm glad your dad is doing so well! Thanks for the pictures and info about San Juan Capistrano. That is one mission I have always wanted to see, and now I want to go even more. It looks beautiful. That tree-lined street across the tracks reminds me a little of Carmel.

  9. Susie,
    What beautiful pictures. I love how you started with the vintage one. I am especially glad to hear that your dad is doing better...really a miracle!
    Big hugs,

  10. Hello Susie! I just had to stop by to say hello...I've been so busy lately I've barely spent any time in wonderblogland! I'm so glad to see that your father is making a good recovery...congratulations and well wishes to you all!!

    Wishing you a wonderful upcoming weekend full of love and laughs,
    Hope Ava (aka Little Mouse!)

  11. Hi Susie!
    Isnt this blog caper crazy! There is almost no chance on earth that you and I would cross paths - now we can read each others blogs and who knows maybe find friendship!
    Thank you for your kind comment! I think your blog is so sweet - and congrats on the 200 followers - I am excited that 3 ppl I dont know have each left a comment!!
    I love the quote from Henry Van Dyke especially as I am a terrible sing but do it anyway!
    Take Care :)

  12. It looks like you and your dad had a wonderful time and glad he is getting better. It looks like a beautiful place. Thanks for taking us on a journey with you. Have a wonderful weekend. Angela

  13. Hi Susie! I'm all behind on visiting, in the garden today and just taking a break.
    You do such interesting posts!!
    Thanks for all that info and the lovely pictures!


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