
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

let's celebrate! 300 friends blog give-away

{photo fun by Photofunia}
Let's Party!!!

Let's Get Crazy!!!

Let's get...spin around on a mountain top singin kinda crazy!

Why, you may ask?

Because of you my friends, simply because of you.
Am I celebrating a number, oh...most certainly not.
You see...when I first started this adventure a little more then a year ago, I never expected 10 people to be my friends, let alone 300.
I never expected to love blogging this much.
I never expected to feel so much community & soul from strangers.
I never expected to feel like they weren't strangers.
I never expected to be brave enough to try things I'd never dreamed of at this time in my life.
You see sweet hearts...I never expected any of this.

And so we CELEBRATE!!!
To enter my Give-Away all you need to do is leave a comment to this post.
I'd love it if you would tell your friends or add my badge to your sidebar, but that's not necessary.
The name of the lucky winner will be pulled old school from my favorite cowboy hat on September 5th, 2010, cuz that's just how I roll.

Stay tuned for my Sneek Peeks at the 'PRIZE'...
All I can tell you for now is, I know it will involve some jewelry & most definitely a pair of wings!

Let's Fly!



  1. I only found you recently, but congrats on 300 friends and for having such a creative and inspiring blog. I enjoy visits here.


  2. Congratulations on your milestone, Susie! I always love reading your blog! Thanks for having a giveaway! I've put this on my sidebar!

  3. Congrats to you on your 300 followers!

  4. Congratulations! What a milestone! And a very good reason to celebrate.
    Alicia xx

  5. Great milestone to reach, love your blog and all the beautiful things. Will put this on my sidebar.

  6. How exciting! 300 followers, I wish you many more in the years to come. Thanks for the chance to win a surprize.

  7. Let's make it 301!
    I will be back to look around. I already like what I see.
    Enjoy your day,

  8. Congratulations Susie!!! This is very exciting, thanks for this!

  9. Susie you deserve 300 friends and more! You have such a great blog! Happy for you and excited to have a chance to win your fun giveaway!

  10. Oh I loves a Par... tay!!! Congrats on your 300th!! Come by my place for a chance to win my giveaway!! Bring friends!!

    Can you show me how to make a button for my blog?? or send me in the right direction. Hugs. Tazzy

  11. Congrats on the milestone! ;-) And here's to many, many more!!

  12. Oh happy, happy celebration to you!!! I feel your joy :)
    You deserve it!

  13. What a fun way to announce your giveaway. Congratulations on 300 followers! I can't wait to see what you have in store for the giveaway. Take care, Connie

  14. 300 followers, congratulations......thanks for letting us celebrate with you.

  15. Congratulations on 300-so glad to be one of them!


  16. Yay!!!!
    Gotta love a celebration, love your cuter than cute post!

  17. That's awesome! Congratulations on 300 =)

  18. Congratulatins, my friend! What a wonderful accomplishment---to have 300 friends. Of course, it's not surprising--your blog is lovely and inspiring!

    I just love your photos, and need to learn how to do this stuff for our blog--kinda kick it up a notch.

    Have a Blissful Day!

  19. Congrats on your followers, what a fun, fun post!

  20. Congratulations on your 300th follower!! WOW, I don't know if I'll ever hit that number! Can't wait to see what you come up with for your giveaway!!! Joy to you, Julie

  21. 300 - wow! I feel blessed to have 20 and thought I was the luckiest person in the world! May you double this by next year. Your blog is always a delight to visit - thank you!

  22. Congratulations! are definately in order.

  23. Oh, Susie!! I count it a privilege to be your friend!!! Congratulations...what a spectacular moment. I love, love LOVE how you put your pictures in on all the buildings-they should be displayed like that!!!!

  24. Hello.....just found you.....what a great blog. Please throw my hat in the ring for this give the way....I have become number 301.



  25. You Go Girl!!!

    Congratulations on such a major milestone! I know what you mean about the sense of community ~ it's awesome!

  26. Congratulations Susie! Love your blog and to see what you share. hugs Colette x

  27. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I follow and would love to win something, anything, anyone? HA!


  28. Congrats Susie!I'm afollower and I will grab your button.Oh, and I love wings.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  29. Oh my goodness, 301 already!! NO surprise at all... you have a beautiful blog and always share such wonderful tips and inspiration. Congratulations!!:-)

  30. Congratulations!! What a great idea to use Fotofunia to announce the giveaway. Can't wait to see the surprise gift.


  31. OK, I'm IN!!!! Great pics. And I'll be reading and loving your blog when you hit the next 300 'cause you are just the best!

  32. Happy 300! I am following and will add you to my sidebar! Love the pictures. You have an awesome blog!

  33. Hi Susie,
    Congratulations on your 300 followers! You have such a beautiful blog Susie, I love your art work, it is absolutely stunning! I also adore all the buttons in your sidebar that you created with children from vintage photos...they are precious!
    Thank you so much for a chance to win your giveaway, I will add your button to my blog!
    Have a beautiful day and weekend~
    Hugs, Carol Anne

  34. Hey there Susie!! Of course I'm going to enter your giveaway and can't wait to see what you've got lined up.
    Congratulations on your 300 plus followers and you do have a most beautiful, interesting, and fun blog to visit!

  35. congratulations 300 times!!!!
    Love your place!!!

  36. Congratulations on your 300th! Best wishes for many more!

  37. Oh, I love your blog, and am so very glad to have found you (through Carol Anne of Carol Anne's Boutique)-congrats on your 300th! I will add your badge to my blog's sidebar, and I will be back for a visit soon! Smiles, Jann

  38. Its easy too see why you have so many people joining your blog its it full of truly beautiful things. Congratulations!! roll on 600!
    julie x

  39. Congratulations Susie! Love your blog, and would love to be in your giveaway pool! :-)

  40. Congratulations on 300 friends! I really enjoy reading your blog when I get the time. I love all the pictures you did! how Autentic looking! have a wonderful week. Angela

  41. Best Wishes to you, Susie....quite an accomplishment to have 300 people welcome you into their lives every time you post! Such an inspiration to the rest of us just starting out :)

    Thank you for the wonderful Giveaway :)

  42. Congratulations, Susie, 300 followers really says something about your blog "voice". People want to hear what you have to share. Kudos!
    Best wishes.

  43. Hi Susie! I found you through sweet Marie. I love to be inspired by beautiful creations (that's why Marie is my friend) and I know I found alot of pretty on your blog!

    I'm a new follower (congrats on that huge milestone) and would love to play along with your giveaway! I'll be visiting alot!

  44. I know what you mean, I can't believe the friendships I've made through blogging, So glad I found you ,came by via Terry,
    I hope you stop by and enter my giveaway as well!

  45. Congrats on 300! Sweet blog great music.

  46. ...oh! May I be entered too??
    I have adored your talents from the start and now I wish you "congrats" on the 299 others that adore you as well!!
    Your presentations are just oh-so-lovely!!
    xo, Rosemary

  47. I loved to win your giveaway and congratulations on your 300.

  48. I had a blast looking at all the spots were your celebration poster is featured! Some are just so clever! That image is quite lovely, as is your entire blog! Congrats!

  49. I love all things Vintage so I love this blog!
    Congrats on your 300th follower, I will be back often to see what you are up to. I like your creativity!

  50. Congratulations, so happy to be amongst your followers! Will gladly post your giveaway on my blog.

  51. I don't deal well with surprises! :)

  52. Thanks for stopping by my blog and sending me some really great pics of your displays! And congrats on 300! I love the photoshopped signage on your post - I laughed - it was so creative. I am new at photoshop (like REAL new) and wondered how you did such a great job.

    congrats again :-)


  53. I am #317! Woo-hoo!

  54. You may end up with another 300 from this posting! Then you will have to do another. lol Love your (my) new found blog!

  55. Congratulations on 300 followers!
    what a fun post!

  56. Yippeeeeeeeee for you!!!!!!!! 300 Friends???? No!!! You have more than that but, some just haven't told you how much they love ya! Oh please enter me for the give away I would love to win. And of course I will put this on my sidebar. ADORE your style of all the different pictures in this post. YOU are amazing. HUGS!

  57. Congrats on the success of your blog! Please throw my name in the hat for your giveaway.

  58. Number 320 here. I just found you today via Itsy Bits and Pieces blog. I look forward to following along. And congrats by the way!

  59. What a great idea! Congrats on exceeding your expectations. It's always a wonderful surprise when that happens :) Your blog is a treat! Have a great day! :)

  60. Wow! I'm glad I found out RIGHT before your drawing!! Congrats to you, and please enter me in your giveaway! I LOVE your blog!

  61. WOW! Congrats on your milestone! However, I am not surprised one little bit....nope, my whiskers told me it was bound to happen. As a matter of fact, I'm predicting you'll be at the 500 mark before you know it!!!

    Please enter "her" in your give away. By some miracle if "she" were to win, I have no doubt I will get some extra cat snacks out of the deal just for entering "her" ;)


    Have a great weekend!

    Romeo and "her"

  62. Wow 300 followers is wonderful I think I was probably in the first 50 and we are lucky to have so many friends out here in this world of blogging
    I have been absent a while since my accident but slowing getting back to visiting sites


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!