
Friday, September 24, 2010

fredricksburg, texas & gingerbread heaven

Yipppppppeeeee, can anybody give me a 'Hell Yeah'! I have finally arrived at my destination...the great state of TEXAS!!!! On this particular morning, having had some trials & tribulations over at the caverns, I don't have to go to the Alamo today. Enough of the National Parks for the moment, {& I NEVER say that} you can just hit it on your way out. Let's head over to Fredricksburg, go on to Austin & then drop on down into JUNKER'S PARADISE. The plan was made.
Now in Cali the speed limit is 65, so when I'm going 80 on the Interstate I feel like I'm skin slightly stretched back from the GForce. {but that's a goood loook on me!} So when the lights went on, on the State Troopers Patrol Car behind me I thought, "What the hell, I wasn't even going 80, my foot cramps from pressing the petal that hard...oh CRAP!"He politely asks me to exit the vehicle. I ask him"What did I do wrong officer, I know I wasn't speeding?" "Well M'am, you were driving too close to the car ahead of you. You didn't leave a safe distance between you & the other driver." I was surprisingly calm at this point, as this was nothing in comparison to the CAVERNS! I then start talking in tongues, even I don't remember what was said. Something about 65 in Cali, not use to 80, just learning to use the cruise control, trying to get to The Junkers Paradise...yada, yada, yada. He now asks me to get into the patrol car. Ok, this is it...I'm headed to a Texas Penitentiary, my husband is NEVER going to let me take a trip alone again! Sitting in the patrol car, I cordially extend my wrists to be shackled. He says, "No M'am...I'm just issuing you a warning & I didn't want you to get hit by a vehicle waiting outside." What, I'm not going to jail...only a warning, Blessed be Baby Jesus!!! I guess I wasn't doing what the sign had told me to do... Drive Friendly, The Texas Way!
So my question Texas Pals is...How many of you have sat in a Texas State Tropper's Patrol Car??? Yeah, that's what I thought.

But...Fredricksburg was sooo Charming!!! Someone even took my picture there! :)

I fell in LOVE with Red Baron Antiques & the lovely Paula & Adrienne, they are adorable! & the antiques were hot too!

I bought several thing from this vendors booth...I couldn't help it. I LOVED everything she had! If Debbie Fritz is out there, your style rocks girl!

And now for the GINGERBREAD!

I'm going to buy this house & live here forever!

I adored Fredricksburg...I really thought I would love to live there & open my little shop in one of the Victorian buildings downtown. But times a wasting & off I go headed towards the 'Austin City Limits'. Suddenly on the very road I'm driving on, I see this!!!

What, a National Park?? {I quickly, but safely, swerve to the side of the road} I look in my handy, dandy passport book to see if this is the real thing, I mean is there a stamp in this place. By the heavens above & the Gods that guide the avid National Park enthusiast's, there is. I have found yet another Great American National Park completely by accident!!!

This is the 1st school house LBJ started at 4 years old.

It really was very interesting & the cattle wondering on the property were kinda cool...

until I came to this dude staring at me through my open window.
What'd I do NOW???

But the vistas & the views from his property were absolutely spectacular!

Texas, is a thing to behold!

The back side of LBJ'S Texas White House.

And as the sun sinks slowly in the west, I headed to La Grange...where I am writing to y'all right now, getting ready for my 16 mile drive to Warrrenton. Let the party begin!!! :)
Yeeeeeeee Hawwwwwww Sistahs!!!
See y'all in a couple of minutes!!!


  1. Oh, Susie. You were making me very, very hungry for some good old-fashioned gingerbread (I am in Croatia) and then I see the lovely old house kind of gingerbread...and it is lovely...but nothing I would eat ;-)

    Sounds like you are having super time other than the little scare by the policeman. I had a "kind" stop like that once. Scared the $%^& out of me! I wonder if he was laughing inside when you put your hands out. retrospect!

    Continue to have a wild and crazy time!


  2. Welcome to Texas! That get in the patrol car thing would have freaked me out! He could have told you why before he asked you to do it. I LOVE Fredricksburg, too! I have only been once (even though it's not that far from me!) and I can't wait to visit again! There are so many charming little towns here with great antiques! Have fun at Warrenton! How could you not? :)

  3. I'm sooo excited for ya! My husband & I went last year and despite the torrential downpours we had a ton of fun! Hey there is a convenience store/gas station at the corner of hwy 71 and 237 (road to Warrenton) that sold tasty homemade sheet cakes by the velvet w/cream cheese icing, chocolate, lemon, and a few others. Hopefully they still do cuz it was the perfect sugar fix to take back to our motel after a long day of antiquing!

    Can't wait to see what you find!

  4. I am living vicariously through your trek. I am so greenie jealous. We went to Freidricksburg and I too fell in love with all the gingerbread and bric a brac....oh you go girl. The Olde Bagg

  5. OMG!! Just think of what you would have missed by FLYING to Texas! picture of the State Trooper?? LOL!!
    Carry on Susie!

  6. Welcome to heaven!
    You can thank Lady Bird for the wildflowers!
    P.S. I can't believe you didn't get him to stamp your passpost! Oh least you got his autograph for a souvenir!

  7. Susie, you crack me up!! I am so glad that I came across your blog. It is now one of my favorites, I have to check it each day and I love your music choice as well. You set a great example to the new blogers and give us something to shoot for. Drop by and take a look your going to be the feature of my next blog. Thanks again have a great trip, slow down, be good and keep blogging.

  8. OMG Susie! I'm sorry you had such a bad experience in the Caverns... but I have to say your post was hilarious! I LOVE caves and actually conquered my fear of the dark in one. Anyway... I'm glad you're having a good time and I agree about hitting the Alamo on the way out. It's pretty cool, but I think you'll be disappointed in the setting. It's smack dab in the middle of an urban area... surrounded by development. But it is full of history and is good for a stamp in the atlas!

  9. I'm so glad you escaped being shackled and dragged away to prison!

    Fredricksburg is so beautiful, I so could live there. I think I drove my family nuts when we visited as I wanted to go down every street in the city so I wouldn't miss any pretty houses.

    Have a wonderful weekend,you tailgater you.

  10. Wooot Wooot Welcome to Texas.. Enjoy Round Top.. lots of fun!!

  11. Your story is such a hoot!!! Yep! Better watch out for those Troopers. They'll getcha.
    Have a great time in Texas. It's my homeland.
    Ladybug Creek

  12. Welcome to Texas girl! I've always wanted to visit Cali... someday I will!! Fredericksburg is one of my fave places here in Texas. I hope you found Homestead... best shop in Fburg... in my opionion. I live in Texas and haven't been to Roundtop yet. My husband and I keep talking about it so one day it will happen. Enjoy the rest of your trip!


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