
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Give-Away in 3 days???

OK, can somebody tell me where time goes when it fly's???
Cuz I can't believe we're already 3 days away from my 300th Friend Give-away & I didn't even have a chance to have my Sneak Peek or remind everyone who hasn't had a chance to enter, to Enter, or go on & on about all the bloggie buddy love that's going to be in the winners box when it arrives! What's a CRAZED BLOGGER to do?

So why am I a little more CRAZY then usual you may ask? {or maybe you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyway}

My Grandson Kai has started kindergarten this week & it's been CRAZY around here. Last minute shopping trips to Target & Payless for the usual Back to School supplies, kindergarten orientation, {orientation??? when I was in kindergarten they just threw you out of the station wagon & said "be good & listen to your teacher..I'm pretty sure that was the extent of my "orientation"} And today is his 1st day of after-school care at a portable at his school run by the Parks & Rec. Will he make it there OK??? Will he know he's suppose to go with that teacher?? Will he sit alone waiting for Mommy or Monga to pick him up & we won't be there? Will something horrible happen? OMG, I watch WAYYYYY to much Nancy Grace!

Enough of that silliness! I just want you to know that I am so excited about this Give-away & can't wait for 1 of my friends to win something wonderful, hand-made with love & heartfelt from me to you, because as far as I'm are all just
Sooooo Awesome!
Thanks for being my friend!


  1. Thank you Susie!
    Your comment was way to sweet, from one artist to another :)
    Love your creative beauty and that goes with out saying!
    see you soon girl!
    From Oak Hills Ca. right be low you and up the pass!

  2. Wow you must be famous to have your art displayed at mansions and museums! ;) Hope you have a good day.


  3. I remember my mom taking me to the kindergarten before the school year started to meet the teacher and see the "school." It was 2 rooms run out of the teacher's house... The teacher? Mrs. Alexanderina Proudfoot! Who could forget a name like that!

  4. OH MY GOSH I LOVE THE HIGHWAYMEN. I can't believe I don't have any of them on my playlist.. .

    Now about the giveaway... pretty soon.. insert giggle!! Hugs. Tammy

  5. I love your blog.
    I am having a give-a-way as well but for 75 followers, hah. I am stuck at 74. Come visit. Hope school goes well for the little one.

  6. hey Susie, you are welcome to add the video to your blog, I took it off of youtube. You do realize that by getting to the shows on the 30th you are at the last few days of shopping as the shows, most of them end that Saturday, Oct. 2nd and by most shows have already been open a week if not more. I know it's your first time and I'm sure you'll find things but I always suggest that if you coming out to the shows to get their the fist week, which this year would be by Sept. 24. I'd be glad to show you any shows that are there or give you any info. you might need and you are welcome to hang out in my booth in the evenings if you'd like. You'll still have fun even if it's the last few days of the shows. The Junk Gypsy prom is held at Zapp Hall Antique Show, that's where I set up. My tent is the only one that backs ups to the front of the hall. The prom starts at 6pm. You can wear a vintage prom dress if you have one, or a hoop skirt and t-shirt with boots is what I see several wearing. If you'll google images for the Junk Gypsy prom you'll get an idea of what they where, anything goes. Let me know if you need anything while you're in Texas, Theresa

  7. Susie dear,
    Kindergarten, high school...doesn't matter does it??! Our anxieties and fears are great when we send out our little ones. I remember walking forEVER to school by myself! Here we are worried that they won't make it to a portable...I totally get it!

  8. I love how your logo is placed in all the "right" spots!
    I don't think we ever stop worrying about our little ones, mines 25 and 6'4" and I still worry. sheesh....

  9. Happy Friday, Susie! I love how you incorporated your 300th friend and giveaway into your photos. Especially those gazing at your work of art at the art museum!! So VERY clever!!! I can't imagine ever reaching 100 cherished followers, let alone 300! Congratulations!

    Indeed, the years to fly by ... where oh where does it go? I would love to capture a few stolen moments in a bottle for safe keeping ...

    Wishing you a beautiful and blissful weekend!

  10. Kindergarten! I had to start school in first grade...we didn't even have kindergarten~LOL! And, since my birthday was August 29th...and school always started right after Labor Day, I had just turned 6. I was ALWAYS the youngest in my class. Oh, my, that was a long time ago =))

  11. Hi Susie, What a sweet and funny post!! I love the station wagon line--reminds me of the big "boat" we used to drive around in when I was growing up!!! My mom being the mother of 9 used to say the 1st day of school--"the first yellow thing that comes down the hill-get on it!!" HA! My grandson is 5 months old and I can't even imagine the stress of his 1st day of school-YIKES!! Time marches on though! Can't wait for your giveaway!! Love, Julie

  12. My 3 year old grandson had PRE-SCHOOL orientation! And had a list of needed school supplies! Can't even go to kindergarten without knowing what we used to learn in kindergarten!

    All of us are just as excited about your giveaway! Congrats again on all of your followers!

  13. So many exciting things to see on your blog, one of my favorite blogs to visit. You know I have a thing for vintage trailers and so my heart went pitter patter as I snooped about tonight. But all of your posts and pictures are lovely and so fun and happy to visit. I am off to snoop more but wanted to sign "the guest book" and let you know I was here snooping as all polite snoopers do. Congratulations on all of your followers - I'm sure there are far more than 300 lurking about!

  14. Ahhh, that's so cute! You were on photofunia, weren't ya?

    Congrats on 300+ followers!

    Have a wonderful Sunday and Labor Day!

  15. wow 300! thats alot. I do not remember my first day of kindergarten. too long ago I guess but I remember my daughter. I was more upset than she was and did not know what to do with myself. have a great evening and thanks for following my blog. Angela


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!