
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

my journey begins with a Surprise!

Greetings from Demming, New Mexico Friends!!
What a Crazy & Amazing Adventure I've already had & did I say just plain fun?
So much Fun!!! I started my journey with the thought of a SURPRISE! Carol Anne of Carol Anne's Boutique was the winner of my recent giveaway. She lives near Phoenix & since I was driving through Phoenix on my World Wide Tour, I thought I might just drop her gift off in person. I would drive up to her house like Ed MacMann holding a couple of deflated balloons & when she opened the door in her bathrobe I would shout "SURPRISE"! Hummmm, that might be awkward, maybe I should call her first & see if that would be OK. To my joy, she was delighted & we planned to meet for breakfast.
OM Goodness friends...I often talk about how the grace of serendipity intervenes in my life, but here it goes again. We were instant Soul Sisters! She is adorable, beyond sweet, so joyful & beautiful, a kindred spirit & I just absolutely ADORE her!! She loved her goodies & she even brought me some of things that I said I LOVED on my list of things to look for in ROUND TOP. Darn, I didn't get a picture yet...but soon & I kept it just the way she had it wrapped cuz it was just too gorgeous to undo! She gave me some of the most precious BABY Cabinet Cards & tied into to the ribbons she had wrapped it all in, were Antique Skeleton Keys, my absolute favorites!!

We talked for hours, I think making our waitress a little annoyed...but who cares, right! We had a blast! We talked of our joys & we talked of our sorrows. We talked about blogging & we talked about life. We have so many things in common & I know I have made a new life long friend in Carol Anne...she is a Beautiful Soul!

It's time for me to get On The Road again this morning. I'm kinda trapped in New Mexico cuz there's so much I want to see here! Yesterday I was in Silver City & went to the Gila Cliff Dwelling National Monument & drove the Trail of the Mountain Spirits Scenic Byway & today I want to go to White Sands National Monument.

Something you probably didn't know about me...

I'm a National Park Junky! I have a Passport & I will drive miles out of my way to get a stamp in it. I love my passport above most things, it's my secret key to the places I've seen & loved in this country, in my lifetime & it's never too late to start. I got mine a few years back when hubby & I went to Southern Utah & saw Zion. I've gotten my brother Mikey into it too & everybody HATES to travel with us cuz we are always on a quest for a new STAMP. LOL It's the simple things that ultimately make you the happiest, don't ya think?
Well, this traveler needs to get to traveling. More pics soon to follow & you all know I really do...
Wish You Were Here!


  1. so GLAD to see your face!!!!!!! you are having a blast, wish i was there!!!!
    Can't wait to see what your next adventure is...

  2. Sounds like you're having fun - and how wonderful that you met a new friend!

  3. I love a good ol' fashioned adventure - and getting to meet blogging friends face to face...that's priceless!

    Enjoy your trip (and thanks for sharing it with us). The pics are beautiful!


  4. Wow, you are visiting some of the most beautiful places...wish I was there!!!
    Meeting you was the loveliest of surprises and the memory will always remain close to my heart!!! Love ya forever friend!!!

  5. So FUN Susie!!!!
    Keep on keepin' on girl...right on this way!
    Can't wait to see you!!!!

  6. What a fun trip!!! How cool to meet a fellow blogger! Have a great one!

  7. Looks like you & Carole Anne had a blast!!! Can't wait to see the treasures & cabinet card. Sooooooooo funny about the National Park Pass. Another friend of mine has decided to join you & I for some shopping. She's staying at the same place. Hope that's OK with you.... Thought more the merrier to keep us awake after all the fun of junkin all day & driving back to our rooms. BE SAFE & I'm countin the days! Charlene

  8. Well I don't have a stamp for your Passport...but howsa about a business card with lipstick on it?
    See the USA while on Round Top way!

  9. Hi Susie! What a beautiful adventure you're having, and what fun to meet up with Carol Anne! Thanks for sharing!


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