
Monday, November 22, 2010

400 Friends, a Giveaway & a Thanksgiving Blessing

Say WHAT? 400 Friends?
When, Where, How, Why?
It seems like only yesterday I was on my way to Texas & stopped by Glendale, Arizona to personally deliver my '300 Friends Giveaway' to Carol Anne of Carol Anne's Boutique.
What a wonderful morning we had getting to know each other, opening presents {she brought me some too!}, having a marvelous breakfast & finding out how very similar we were.

That was almost exactly 2 months ago & now,
how very lucky I am to have 100 more friends, today.
Thank you so very much Sweet Hearts, for making this one of the most amazing adventures of my life!

In Celebration of all of you, my friends, let's have a Holiday Giveaway.
That's right, you heard it here 1st...vintagesusie is having a GIVEAWAY & all of you are invited!!

So, what are the rules you may ask?
We don't need no darn rules friends!!
You need not become a follower or add the badge for this giveaway to your sidebar.
You need not wear a pin on your shirt with my face on it or hire a plane to write vintagesusie & wings across the sky.

Simply leave a comment to this post & your name will be thrown into my favorite cowboy hat, for the chance to win untold treasures!

I will pick a name out of my hat on December 13th, 2010 & on that night the lucky winner will be announced to all the world! How exciting, right? Another Christmas present to open!

Now, about the gift. I'm a thinkin...
somethin from Texas of course,
somethin I make, {jewelry always sounds good}
somethin pretty, somethin blue,
somethin old & somethin new!
Hey, I think some one's getting married!! LOL 

I will provide Sneak Peeks of the Grand Prize throughout the Giveaway, so stay tuned!

As you can probably see from my photo's, I've been playing dress-up today.
Johnson Brother's Vintage China
kinda dress-up.
I brought out the Wedgewood Wine Chiller & the Brighton Wine Glasses that I ADORE, along with the mercury glass candle holders & my new Pottery Barn burlap table purdy!
So I wonder, how will this Thanksgiving be?

This Thanksgiving, I will remember the lessons of last year.
I will laugh & love myself & my family, with all our beautiful imperfections.
I will not stress over the little stuff & if I do, I won't be upset with that either.
I will feel grateful for yet another year to share with my family & friends.
I will feel blessed for all the love that surrounds me everyday.

I will remember the people I don't even know, fighting in places that I've never seen,
risking their lives & missing their loved ones, so my loved ones & I can sleep in peace.
Even with our trials, we all have so very much to be thankful for friends.

I wanted to share this quote with you, I found it so lovely & true.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." ~Melody Beattie
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Friends filled with Blessings, Love & Laughter!



  1. I would love to enter your special giveaway if I may? Thank you and congratulations on 400 followers!

    Best wishes,

  2. Who wouldn't want to win something from the Fabulous Vintage Susie & Wings?!?!?! Enter me please! Congrats on 400 followers!!


  3. Congratulations on another great milestone!

    Your Thanksgiving table is just beautiful. I love the china and the Brighton wine glasses.

    Thanks for the inspiring Thanksgiving poem.

    Hey, if I win will you come to Kansas to deliver the prize????????

    Happy Thanksgiving sweetie!

  4. Toss my name in the hat, girlie!!!!
    Susie, I am just so stinking excited for you. Your kindness and joy radiate to others, THAT's how you find yourself with 400 followers.
    lots and lots of love,

  5. I can hardly wait until you come to Nebraska to personally hand me my prize (I'm really thinking positive!). See what you started - we'll all expect you on our doorsteps! How I wish I was eating off of your gorgeous dinnerware for Thanksgiving. I'd even wash the dishes!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving, my new friend!

  6. I'd love the chance to enter your wonderful giveaway.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  7. Wow 400 and you deserve it. Your blog is a joy. Beautiful table for Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful one!

  8. I LOVE that quote! This post is awesome!!!
    So glad I found your blog...I love it when I see you have a new post!!
    Count me in on the giveaway of course...and CONGRATS on 400!! I just passed 100...and can't believe that!!
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving friend!!
    Tammy :-)

  9. Your beautiful table is set and ready for the big day! Congrats on your followers. I'd love it if you would throw my name in the hat.


  10. Bravo, Susie! Sending you a ♥ from Hobart, Australia. J x

  11. Congratulations on your milestone Susie! Please enter me into your wonderful & generous giveaway. I love the table settings you show here...don't you just love Pottery Barn?!

  12. Such fun, thanks for the chance to win :)

  13. Congratulations on your milestone, Susie! I love the gratitude was very touching to me!

  14. Congratulations and thanks for sharing all you share! Love the gratitude quote. Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Happy Thanksgiving to you too...your table looks beautiful! Sounds like a fun giveaway, thanks for the chance! ~Deb~

  16. Hello Susi,
    congratulations and thanks for a chance to win. Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful week.

  17. Sounds like an amazing giveaway. please add my name. I love the quote on your blog today, it is so thought provoking. Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving.

  18. What a beautiful table you have me a seat girl!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your giveaway and I'll be saving that was just wonderful!

  19. Need me to come carve the bird?
    Congratulations...not for 400 (although that is tray cool!), but for understanding the true meaning of life. Beautiful quote.
    You my sweet Cali friend are the gift and I'm so glad I stumbled in the back door here!
    P.S. If you're looking for an excuse to come back to Texas...pick me and problem solved!

  20. What amazing pumpkins! Such a pretty blog!

  21. What a lovely post, gratitude today should be nurtured and taught to our children, I fear so many have lost that precious attitude. Instead I see "entitlement" has been replaced with gratitude. Thank you for posting this!
    Many blessings this Thanksgiving Day

  22. I love all the brown transferware at the table and the pretty pumpkin arrangement. What a lovely post! I would love to win.

    Congratulations on 400+ followers!


  23. Beautiful table setting! Congrats on 400! Thanks so much for the chance to win your giveaway! Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

  24. I just saw the Melody Beattie quote posted by an aunt on Facebook today! I always love the concept of "enough"! Your holiday table is sublime. I am a fanatic for pumpkins, so I adore the one on your table, as well as the glowing one at your fireplace hearth. What a wonderful giveaway concept! Best of luck to us all! Happy THANKSgiving!!!

  25. Congratulations on 400 followers! That’s wonderful (and hard for me to fathom at this point…maybe someday). Ha! Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I love the quote in this post and your holiday décor is lovely! I’d be honored to be entered into your give-away. God bless.

  26. wow, 400 IS amazing, but not's so much fun to follow your blog! Me and my little paperdoll fairy would like to enter the contest, yes indeed!! Blessings upon you and your family and your wildly creative spirit. Thanks for being here every night, making the end of my day a delight.

  27. Happy Thanksgiving Susie,
    I want to win!!!! Just think you don't have to deliver it far just to Cedar Pines overnight stays unless you want to spend the night. What fun it would be!!!

  28. Hi Susie;
    Congratulations on 400 Friends!I am so Happy that our Paths Crossed and I am Included !
    Your Quote is so True and a Perfect Reminder to us all.Thank you for Sharing!
    Happy Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family!

  29. Just popping in to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for having your blog on my list of happy places to visit!

  30. Hi Susie! First off, congratulations on your new milestone of 400 followers-WOW!!!!! Second, your table is lookin' very pretty!! Lastly, but most important ~ Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving with those you love the most and also HAPPY, HAPPY BIRHTDAY my darling friend!! I hope you get the most delicious birthday cake ever! I am grateful for so many things this year (my new grandson, mainly) but also for the many new friends I've made through this blog! You all mean so much to me! Love ya, Julie

  31. What a beautiful Thanksgiving table! and the quote was lovely. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

  32. Beautiful pictures! happy thanksgiving.

  33. What a wonderful quote! Congratulations on reaching 400! 406 now :-) I loved your Thanksgiving table too. I'd love to enter too.

  34. Congratulations on 400 friends! Hope your Thanksgiving was just awesome. Thanks for your generosity in giving us a giveaway.

  35. Wow - you are such a writer and a beautiful person. I think you should write a book - I will buy it - on life's lessons and your wonderful perspective on life. I learn so much from your posts.
    Alicia xx

  36. Sweet Susie I would LOVE to entered into your GiveAway!!!! How generous of you to do one for all of us!!!! I just left you a longer message on the post about your little shelf. I MISS YOU! HUGS!

  37. Pappy's Cowgirl would like a chance to win!!!
    Congratulations on 400!!! Love the table setting.

  38. I just finished reading Ella's letters. Oh how beautiful her words are! Thank you for sharing them. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas Miss Susie and thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. I will treasure them as you treasure your letters from Ella.

  39. I forgot you bought that angel picture from me. He is soo cute in your house. I cant believe you are at over 400 followers i remember when you were just hitting 100 in the shop :) Great job!!


  40. I'd love to enter your giveaway, too--thank you for a chance--and congrats on 400 followers! Your blog is wonderful . . .

  41. Please throw my name into your cowboy hat for the giveaway.

  42. Congrats on your 400 friends. That is awesome. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.


  43. I'm your NEWEST FOLLOWER!!! Please enter me into your giveaway! AND I want you to know that I'm LOVIN the COMFORT here!!! It is a beautiful familiar place...Hmmmm, you and I have LOTS in common. On Thanksgiving I featured the Mr Majestic Turkey Platter!!! I would LOVE,LOVE,LOVE if you would FOLLOW ME TOO!!! I REALLY would like all these friends too. It's amazing how we all think so much alike!
    Congratulations on all your wonderful friends,
    Hugs to you my New Friend,

  44. Congratulations on more than 400 friends!
    If you are headed anywhere near Wisconsin I invite you to stop in.

  45. You know I have just had the worst day I have had in a long time. We had to put down my 19 year kitty, it just killed me and left me so sad. I found you through Heart's Ease and I now have a smile on my face. I would love to be apart of your giveaway and one of your followers! Many thanks-cindy

  46. If I am not too late I would like to be included in this please!

  47. Great Blog, I'll check back often to see what you're up too! FYI-I was thrilled to see you are a fan of Magnolia Pearl and totally enjoyed your pictures!
    Please enter me in your give-a-way! Thanks.

  48. Congrats on surpassing the 400 followers milestone! I see everyone wants you to take another trip and deliver them the prizes! It's too cold and icky to come to Ohio, so why don't I just meet you in Cali~ LOL

    ~ Sue

  49. 400 friends whooohooooooo.....
    please toss my name in your fav. cowboy hat too!


  50. Have just stumbled across your beautiful blog, please please please enter me into your giveaway, if I'm not too late.

    Thank you!

    ps I'm going to start following you too!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!