
Friday, November 5, 2010

6 ~ 10 & my Dream House in Texas

Happy, Happy Friday Friends!!!
Y'all know I just got back from the dream state Texas, but what you don't know is while I was there I found my Dream House!

This is not only my dream house. My darlin friends Charlene & Larry who adopted me while I was in Texas & showed me the BESTEST of times, took me to see their dream house & now it's mine too!

Charlene is my cohort in crime at the Magnolia Pearl booth in Marburger & my bloggy buddy from the lovely blog, My Hearts Ease.

This is the amazing view off the back porch which was Heavenly & this picture just doesn't do it justice! The skies & the clouds & the fields, just went on forever. Her & our boyfriend Larry, spent alot of time trying to explain to me the difference between a TANK & a POND. Others were involved in this on going conversation as well, but I must admit...I'm still not sure. I think a pond is made by God & a tank is made by that right?? LOL

Would you not just die to have this porch?? {although being alive to enjoy it could
be fun too, ;)}

OK,'s number 6.
Something you hope you never have to do.
Easy Peasy...I'm ascared of heights! So I never want to have to Hang Glide, Bungee Jump off a bridge, Para sail or take the Tower of Terror ride at Disneyland. That's right, just call me scaredy cat & I will turn around & answer! {I could get really heavy & say bury a child, but that goes unsaid for all of humanity}

Number 7: Someone who has made your life worth living.
My daughter Courtney & my grandchild Kaimana, the absolute joys of my life.

Number 8: Someone who has made your life hell or treated you badly.
Again I am blessed, I can honestly say with all my heart, there is no one in my life past or present who fits this bill. I have been surrounded by love & kindness & if I meet negativity in my life, I cut it out.

Number 9: Someone you didn't want to let go, but who drifted.
Don't have one of those either. I work hard to nuture the relationships that are important to me. Even if I lose touch for a minute, I can reach out & reconnect & pick up right where we left off, as if no time at all has gone by. Again...I am blessed.

Number 10: Someone you need to let go or wish you didn't know.
If I had one of those, I would have already done it. Everyone in my life brings something wonderful to the table.
Well that was an easy round!! :) Now back to the HOUSE!

This was a little guest house off to the side of the main house. I could TOTALLY live right there. It was small, but so cozy & charming & I adored this bedroom. Isn't that bed frame amazing!

So in my dream I see me & my hubby sitting on this porch rockin in our chairs. We're looking out at our Wide Open Spaces talking about the weather. Looking up into skies, we tell each other what we see in those amazing Texas Clouds as we smile & softly laugh!!



  1. Now that's just a phenom of a house. Take that same house only with adobe walls 18" thick and plop it in Arroyo Seco, NM with a forest of pinon pine and a view of the mountains and it is my dream house. Northern NM is where I want to be. But darn girl, this is pretty close to perfect for me too.
    Tanks and ponds huh? I just want someone to tell me if it is roof as pronounced here or roof as pronounced in TN. Roooooooof as in root beer or ruf as in what a dog does.
    I love your answers for the dreaded 30 days. Yay for you. See I need to take strong lessons from you.
    This was great, that's for the daydreaming good time. The Olde Bagg

  2. i could easily agree with you, how fantastic is this house; oh to live in the states; meanwhile, am happy that you seem to have lived a charmed life; it renews my faith in life; cheerio from linda in france...
    ps: feel free to pop by 'chez moi'.

  3. What a stunner of a house! I could live there too.

    As for the pond/tank issue...ponds can be man made, but I think the difference (in my opinion) is that a pond is a hole in the ground that is filled with rainwater, and a tank is an actual container that holds liquids placed there by humans.

    Love your answers to the 30 days.

  4. Oh, I do love both of those houses Susie....simply divine I say!
    You are such a hoot, and I am in awe of your question and answers here! If only all of humanity could see thru your eyes, that would be HEAVEN!

  5. Gorgeous house. I could picture myself on that porch as well! Enjoyed reading the answers to your questions. I'm afraid of heights too, but I did go on the Tower of Terror and screamed the entire time - I think I may not be invited back! Have a wonderful weekend. ~ Julie

  6. Love your dream house, Susie, but I am more impressed with what a happy person you are! Wow! Seriously impressed!

  7. Susie,
    Your dream house is a dream come true, such a blessed home to call your own.
    Thank you for your visit to my recycled holiday gifting idea's.
    and your beautiful comment :)
    see you soon, cannot wait to see your next dream.

  8. You seem like such a nice person. I love you and I don't even know you, lol. An honest to goodness sweetie! Have a great day.

  9. Hey Susie~ First of all you have excellent taste in houses!! I love anything with a porch! Your answers thus far have been raw, but wonderful and a great testament to the awesome person you are and I would love to know! So sorry to hear about your mother and brother, and I hope you can learn to forgive yourself, even though it was not YOUR choice that they were chosen to have this disease and not you. And yes, I would agree that you are funny and that's my fave thing about myself too! I have been told many a times that I crack people up! We are alot alike, my friend!! Hugs, Julie

  10. That house is a stunner, Susie! Love the brightness and fresh air feeling of it!

    I'm not surprised at your answers one exude such contentedness....I always imagine you typing away with a smile on your face :D

  11. Wow, that is an amazing house! I love that big comfy porch...what a wonderful place to spend a few hours...

    Hope Ava

  12. Beautiful! Texas houses are just wonderful and chic! Would you mind if I make this my dream house too? =)Anyway, glad that you had a good time. Wish we could take a sneak peek of your house also!


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