
Monday, November 29, 2010

Festival of Lights at the Mission Inn, Riverside

Here's to the start of a New & Wonderful Week Friends!!
The Friday after Thanksgiving is a day my family looks forward to all year.
Not because of the unbelievable crowds & prices on Black Friday,
but for the yearly 1st night lighting of The Festival of Lights in Riverside, California at the historic Mission Inn.

It's an awesome evening of Christmas Magic, filled with music, lights & fireworks!
Did I mention they put up more then 3.5 million lights?
Talk about a nightmare if a bulb burns out! lol

The countdown begins...
10, 9, 8, 7, the crowd is getting excited now... 
6, 5, 4, the sound of children screaming with glee is in the background...{oh, sorry that was me} 
3, 2, 1, the lights are all turned on simultaneously as a bombardment of fireworks shoot from the roof of the Inn!

Can anyone give me a 'WOOT WOOT'!!!
Urban dictionary definition:
An expression one may utter in complete approval or joy.

Expression of simplistic ecstasy.

An expression of absolute happiness, totally euphoric.

I guess that just about sums it up perfectly!!! ;)

While watching a fireworks extravaganza, surrounded by millions of Christmas lights,
I'm pretty much 6 years old again.

Ooooooooo, ahhhhhhhh...ohhhh, wowww, sooooo coooool!!! 

That was the extent of my ability to verbalize, as I was completely mesmerized by this beyond amazing start to the Christmas Season.
Here's wishing you a Magical Beginning to your Holiday Season Friends!!!



  1. What a delightful and magickal night. You are a very fortunate one. But then you know that....The Olde Bagg

  2. Well of course you can get a WOOT WOOT!! It is such an amazing thing to see in person isn't it!?! We didn't make it out this year but we are lucky enough to be in the same town so we can enjoy the lights and all the rest of the festivities going on downtown!

  3. It sounds amazing! I would love to have seen this in person.

    Our tiny little town had a parade with about 3 floats, the school band, fire trucks, santa, and a handful of fireworks. Of course, we all thought it was great.

  4. Phenomenal my friend =)) I so love fireworks, and with a heaping dash of Christmas~what could be better!
    Love the pictures.....

  5. Woot Woot, WOW amazing! I'd love to see it in person!

  6. Hello Susie,
    beautiful! Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos!Just posted your giveaway on my sidebar.
    Have a great week.
    XO Marie

  7. Oh my gosh... have I said I'm geographically misplaced? I SOOOOOOOOO am!!! I did start looking at Christmas lights though!!!

    ;-D LOVE the photos!!!

  8. Holy guacamole, Batman!!!!
    I've seen the lights, but never seen them turned on...there's a sight not to be missed!!!

    Missing you!!!!

  9. Hi Susie,
    Thank you, you are so funny!
    I have been to the Mission Inn, but not at Christmas. It looks like it's worth the trip.
    Happy Holidays to you!!

  10. Oh I also love fireworks, appeal to the child in me. Thank you for sharing such amazing pictures.

  11. It must be simply amazing, Susie! Thanks for sharing your fun photos!

  12. Oh Susie I WISH I could have been there with you to see this....We could have been SIX together....hahahahaha....Here's a big Aussie WOOT WOOT to you Lovey....!

    I have a celebration of my own going' on tomorrow if you'd like to pop by....!

    In the mean time take care & keep that childlike passion for all things reminiscent of our childhoods close by....I hear it's what keeps us young....!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)


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