
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Final 21 ~ 30 Truths & Angelino Heights

Greetings Sweet Friends...
How would you like to go back in time with me to the 1880's, when Los Angeles' very 1st suburban tract was built? With the on slaught of Midwesterner's arriving daily fresh off the train to settle in Los Angeles, they flocked to our city's first suburb, 'Angelino Heights'.

I have lived in So Cal my entire life & yet had no idea this amazing area existed until my sweet sister Sara accidentally came upon it after going to an open house in Echo Park...what a FIND! The entire 1300 Block of Carroll Avenue is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Here's one of the original maps of the tract as it was 1st conceived. Built on a hill high above LA, this location was attractive to home builders & buyers alike who desired both a pleasant view and the peace and quiet of suburban living.

Angelino Heights boasts the largest concentration of Queen Anne and Eastlake style Victorian homes in the city, most of which are on Kellam and Carroll Avenues. Most homes here do not have garages, because, of course, in the 1880s people did not have cars, but carriage houses can be seen on some of the properties.

Walking down these streets, remembering back to the Age of Innocence, really was such a delight! Even though theses gorgeous Victorian's are in various states of renovation, they all shine as bright as diamonds in the Los Angeles sun. 

So, enjoy the view while I finish my FINAL 10 Truths... ;)

Day 21: (Scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you got into a fight a couple of hours before. What do you do?
Not waste a second & as quickly as possible, get to her side & help support her & her family in anyway I can. Is there another answer here?

Day 22: Something you wish you hadn't done in your life.
This is a very private & hard question for me, probably the hardest so far. Choices we make when we are young, are often not the same choices we would make today. But then I think about how my WHOLE life would be different had different choices been made. I would most likely not have the beautiful daughter I have today & without her, I would not have the joy of my life, Kai. Judge me or accept me,
I believe in pro-choice. 

Day 23: Something you wish you had done in your life.
I have had a GRAND life!! I have done more & gone more places then I could have ever imagined as a child. But I guess, looking back, I wish I had enjoyed & participated more in high school. I wish I had gone to dances & proms & assembly's & football games, joined a few clubs, tried out for a few sports. You never get those years back & to have not enjoyed it to the fullest seems such a shame now!

Day 24: Make a playlist to someone and explain why you chose those songs.
I Hope You Dance by LeAnne Womack
The Climb by Miley Cirus
My Wish by Rascal Flats
Beautiful by Christine Aguilera
What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
Live Like You Were Dying by Tim MacGraw
Don't Fade Away by Wille Nelson
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
For Everyman by Jackson Browne
I send these songs of inspiration out to anyone feeling lost or alone. Music can lift you up & bring hope when you think there is none...these are some of my favorites!

Day 25: The reason you believe you're still alive today.
Pure & simple LUCK my friends!!! ;)

Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life?
I think most people have had that thought at some point on their journey through life, don't you? It's the follow through that is so incredibly tragic. I remember in high school, after my Mother had died, feeling so small & scared & alone. It was dark one night when my Father & I were driving to some insignificant location. I told him I didn't understand the purpose of life, that life hurt & was hard & could be so heartbreaking. He quietly said, "Your right Susie, life isn't easy, but it's definitely better then the alternative." That stuck! 

Day 27: What's the best thing you've got going for you right now?
My AGE! The wisdom that comes with being my AGE. The grace I feel in allowing myself to Age. The lack of concern of external opinion that Age can give you. The clarity of what's important & what's not that AGE can teach. The Ageless Wisdom of TRULY knowing is short. Grab it up in both hands, tell the people you love, everyday that you love them & if you really want to do something, do it NOW. Sometimes, there are no tomorrows. 

Day 28: What would you do if you got pregnant (or got someone pregnant) right now?
Well 1st, since I don't have periods anymore, I'd consider it an immaculate! Then, I'd have a baby & be a very tired ole Mama!!

Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself.
Nothing, I'm perfect!! LOL No, not really, I'm not perfect. But you know what...that's ok now. Time can teach us acceptance & the beauty in imperfection...

It can allow us to see the little nuances that make each of us who we are as Amazing & Splendid...

Tarnished & Tattered & Shabby & Chic, are now cool & awesome...

Chipped paint & rust is better then brand new...

Repurposed & restored absolutely ROCKS...

What an AWESOME time to be on This Ride!! 

Day 30: A letter to yourself.
I will let Rascal Flats write that letter for me..

I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
My, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
This, is my wish.

I know, I'm corny huh?
I want to thank Miss Linda from Ye Olde Crones Gazette for sharing her 30 TRUTHS with me. She not only gave me the chance to get to know her a little better, but also allowed me the opportunity to share my own TRUTHS with you.

{This house was used in Michael Jackson's video 'Thriller', how cool is that? It's the scene when his girlfriend is running up the steps into the abandoned house.} did you like these AMAZING Victorian's??

To imagine these beauties sitting on a hill overlooking what is now Downtown Los Angeles, is hard to believe...

And yet, here they stand...

& have stood...

for more then 100 YEARS!

If you venture to Los Angeles & LOVE Victorian's as I do, take some extra time for this beyond fabulous walking tour of 'Angelino Heights' is soooo well worth it! You can also go to the Los Angeles Conservancy for information on guided tours, which would give you all the wonderful history of these beautiful houses.

Thanks for coming along with me Sweet Hearts, not only on this tour, but on my tour called LIFE. It's always an ADVENTURE & I'm so happy to be sharing it with you!!



  1. The pleasure of getting to know you is mine. Thanks for the sweet spirit that you are to me and others. It is refreshing to know you. The houses are just gorgeous. I didn't have any idea they existed there either. The section in San Antonio is like this but the houses are set further apart, but victorians are so soothing somehow to my soul.
    My grandparents had a grand old victorian beauty in Las Vegas NM and like this section of LA their whole street was lined with houses with wonderful stories to tell.
    I love the analogy to peeling paint and well worn....yep me too.
    Thanks for your final 10 and for the tour. You're a goodie. The Olde Bagg

  2. I have really enjoyed reading all your truths about yourself and it is almost scary how similar my answers to these questions were!! Maybe it's the fact that we're so close in age (I will be 53 in Jan) and grew up during the same era! I was going to email this privately to you, but I don't care if people judge--your answer to #18 really touched me as my youngest daughter happens to be gay and I think she is one of the most amazing people I know!! People only judge what they know nothing about and I won't tolerate it! So there, I said it!! Thanks for letting me get to know you better-I truly enjoyed it! Hugs, Julie

  3. Thank you once again for having the courage to share your 'truths'. Must admit that most of my answers would be very similar, age does bring a certain acceptance of our foibles, I think my children regard me as a total eccentric.
    The Victorian houses are so beautiful, if I ever manage to make another trip to LA will definitely make a point of visiting this area.

  4. You are just such a beautiful soul. I have loved your 30 truths. I love your positive attitude to life. If I lived close I would love to come over and have a cup of tea with you and discuss life. I can see you are such a beautiful person. I love the houses! If I ever get over there I would love to see them! I learn so much about America from your blog.
    Alicia xx

  5. Having had the privilege of meeting you, all these "truths" are honest answers. Just in the short time we spent together at Zapp, I knew you loved life and didn't plan on wasting a minute of it. You joie de vivre bubbles over and splashes on everyone around you. Pull no punches and make no excuses...that's you my friend and I love you for it. You're just like these beautiful old homes...built to stand the tests of time and whatever else gets chunked at ya!

  6. Hey, sweetie, your post touched my heart in so many ways this morning. In fact, I've got tears in my eyes. Thank you so much for being open and honest with us readers. I can connect in so many ways with your answers.

    I've always loved Victorian house, even when I was young. My kids roll their eyes when I want to stop, yet again, to take more photos of houses. Thanks for sharing these lovely homes. I do hope they are treated nicely because they sure don't make 'em like they used to!!!!

    Enjoy your day, friend!

  7. I have enjoyed reading each and every one of your truths. Not everyone would be up to that challenge. Today I especially enjoyed seeing this fabulous area in LA. My son and his girlfriend live there and this will be on my list of things to see next time we visit. That such timeless beauty exists in such a diverse city is exciting and something to look forward to seeing. Ann

  8. THIS WAS AN AMAZING POST!!!!!!!!! The homes beautiful (will you take me here when I come visit?) And the writing was from you heart & I LOVE IT! I called you yesterday but, couldn't get you. Call me when you have a few minutes. I need to chat with you. HUGS!

  9. What a marvelous post!
    Thank you for writing and sharing from you heart, sweet friend!

    LOVE those Victorian's, mine is just a baby by comparison. ;-)

  10. I absolutely love your blog and I love You! What a wonderful person you are. Very real, brave and wise. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us and please don't stop!

  11. This post warmed me up more than my coffee this morning. Thank you so much.

  12. I live so close and yet I have not taken the time to see all the beautiful houses and details you've shared with us. Thank you! I'm going to make sure I go and see them now. A beautiful post with lots of beautiful thoughts, words, and inspiration. I especially love your ideas on aging but I am right there with you on all the truths you've shared. We think very much alike and you have given us a beautiful and intimate look at you - so important to do I think. I think you've inspired me to maybe do the same. Thank you for a beautiful and powerful post!

  13. Susie, I truly enjoyed, no, LOVED your post. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. The one about wishing you appreciated more in high school brought back memories. I remember at that time my Dad constantly told me to savor it and that these were the best years (college too) - days when we didn't really have any cares and responsibilities yet. I tried to take that advice back then and think I enjoyed those years to the fullest. And now looking back I can see how right he was!
    Your tour of this Victorian section of homes is just breathtaking. I wish I could come out and visit in person!!!! I'm obsessed with old homes and to see these in person would be a dream. Thank goodness I have your photo tour instead. :-)

  14. Susie,
    I am totally amazed at your thirty days of truths. I m not sure I have come to grips with some parts of my life to the point that I could do this...well, to myself but not to the blog world...and I tend to share a lot. You are a wise and wonderful woman and I still need to get ahold of you to help with my blog!!!
    In Awe,


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!