
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Congrats Judy & more for rosa & josie's

Congratulations Miss Judy for winning my 100th Friends Give-Away! I love the idea that even if I never get a chance to visit New Zealand, my handcrafted brooch, ring & necklace are going on an amazing adventure. They will travel in trucks & be loaded onto planes that will fly over vast oceans, that will land on an island & be delivered to the front porch of a friend. Life is amazing! {if only they could write, lol}

My wonderful friend, jewelry artist Diane Cook from rosa & josie's , & I worked together on another postcard design for one of her upcoming classes 'Rhinestones & Rosaries'. Her jewelry design is awesome & I'm extremely excited about the opportunity to feature some of her beautiful pieces here at my shop.

If you have a chance, stop by her lovely blog to say hi & take a look at some of her gorgeous jewelry, along with her scheduled upcoming classes & workshops. I sooooo wish I lived in Texas & could learn from the best, how to make my own vintage inspired art jewelry. {I don't know when, but I do know I WILL take one of her classes, it's part of my 'MUST DO' list!}
And to you Diane, a HUGE Thank You for all of your business, for your patience with me while I learn, for your insistence of excellence, for your referrals, for your lovely post & most importantly...for your friendship! I can't wait until September Friend!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Yipeeeee...Today's The Day!!!!

{all images from Getty Images}
Hey, Sweet Friend...Do you know what day it is today???

Today is the day that vintagesusie announces the WINNER of her 100 Friends Give-Away, I can't believe it's finally here...we've waited almost a month for this.

"Oh Kim, do you think it could be one of us?" Lucy asked excitedly!

"I don't know who the winner might be" thought Linda, "but I'm not willing to take a chance being caught not looking my best."

Even the children could feel the excitement as the time grew near for this much anticipated announcement!

Diane sat back in her chair trying to remain calm, thinking of the sweet mountain of bootie that could be hers, if only her name was chosen.

Others, who will be nameless, could not contain their greed & tried in vain to find out the winner to no avail.

"It's time, it's time..." screamed Sylvia, unable to control her emotions one second longer. As the drum roll started the contestants fell into an eerie silence.

The time had finally come and vintagesusie took the stage. Initially, she was slightly confused & wasn't sure why all the eyes were on her. She started to sing a little ditty, but could feel the audience growing anxious.

She quickly rebounded & went into a little soft shoe, when suddenly someone in the angry mob yelled out, "give us the name"! The cloud lifted from vintagesusie's head as she recalled why she was there. Clearing her voice she began to speak, "The winner of my 100th Friend Give-Away is..."

"JUDY of New Zealand from MANGAROA MADE!!!" The crowd breaks out into a long cheer as Judy, stunned, can't believe she's the LUCKY winner! "Thank you, oh, thank you so much!" Judy says overwhelmed by the mere thought of her good fortune. The contestants rush over to Judy to wish her a hearty congratulations, some even try & touch her thinking her good luck might just rub off on them for the next Give-Away.

Arriving home that evening, some found themselves in a bit of a malaise thinking "I never win those darn Give-Aways, why couldn't it have been me?" Now these words come from vintagesusie herself, so take heed...
"Please Friends...don't feel disheartened! I only need 56 more friends to have my 200th Friends Give-Away & I promise, it will make this Give-Away pale in comparision!!!"
A soft murmer quickly became a loud roar...
"Long Live Queen Susie, Long Live Queen Susie!" ;) LOL
What a FUN Dream, Right... I think the Crown Jewels post has gone straight to my head!
Congratulations Dear Friend Judy & Thanks to all my Friends who entered & made this such a Fun Give-Away!!!!