
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Congrats Judy & more for rosa & josie's

Congratulations Miss Judy for winning my 100th Friends Give-Away! I love the idea that even if I never get a chance to visit New Zealand, my handcrafted brooch, ring & necklace are going on an amazing adventure. They will travel in trucks & be loaded onto planes that will fly over vast oceans, that will land on an island & be delivered to the front porch of a friend. Life is amazing! {if only they could write, lol}

My wonderful friend, jewelry artist Diane Cook from rosa & josie's , & I worked together on another postcard design for one of her upcoming classes 'Rhinestones & Rosaries'. Her jewelry design is awesome & I'm extremely excited about the opportunity to feature some of her beautiful pieces here at my shop.

If you have a chance, stop by her lovely blog to say hi & take a look at some of her gorgeous jewelry, along with her scheduled upcoming classes & workshops. I sooooo wish I lived in Texas & could learn from the best, how to make my own vintage inspired art jewelry. {I don't know when, but I do know I WILL take one of her classes, it's part of my 'MUST DO' list!}
And to you Diane, a HUGE Thank You for all of your business, for your patience with me while I learn, for your insistence of excellence, for your referrals, for your lovely post & most importantly...for your friendship! I can't wait until September Friend!!!!


  1. Big congrats to Judy! You're one lucky gal! :-)


  2. Susie~My postcards came today!!! And, they are beautiful =) Thank you for a job WELL done! Can't wait to meet you too my friend.....

  3. Thanks so much for visiting me today! Love your blog and will bookmark it for sure! I always appreciate new friends......:)

  4. Hi there,
    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. I hope you have a great Thurdsday.


  5. Congratulations Judy!! I would like to know, are these necklaces or rosaries?? I would love to by a new rosary off a fellow artisan rather than a local store or what not. Let me know. Post is up friend and I'm so proud to show that graphic today, everyday! Hugs. T


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