
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

let's celebrate! 300 friends blog give-away

{photo fun by Photofunia}
Let's Party!!!

Let's Get Crazy!!!

Let's get...spin around on a mountain top singin kinda crazy!

Why, you may ask?

Because of you my friends, simply because of you.
Am I celebrating a number, oh...most certainly not.
You see...when I first started this adventure a little more then a year ago, I never expected 10 people to be my friends, let alone 300.
I never expected to love blogging this much.
I never expected to feel so much community & soul from strangers.
I never expected to feel like they weren't strangers.
I never expected to be brave enough to try things I'd never dreamed of at this time in my life.
You see sweet hearts...I never expected any of this.

And so we CELEBRATE!!!
To enter my Give-Away all you need to do is leave a comment to this post.
I'd love it if you would tell your friends or add my badge to your sidebar, but that's not necessary.
The name of the lucky winner will be pulled old school from my favorite cowboy hat on September 5th, 2010, cuz that's just how I roll.

Stay tuned for my Sneek Peeks at the 'PRIZE'...
All I can tell you for now is, I know it will involve some jewelry & most definitely a pair of wings!

Let's Fly!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

happy sunday & getting ready for a celebration!

Happy Sunday Sweet Hearts!!!
Just a brief post before I run off to the Orange Show Swap Meet at the bottom of our mountain in San Bernardino, in search of sweet treasure & time worn trash... my favorites!

As you can see...I've been having soooooo much fun playing with my new camera!

This is the beautiful wall candle holder in our bedroom next to my side of the bed, where I hang my newly created jewelry & my Grandmother's rosary.

My side table with some of my favorite little things on it. An awesome stained glass lamp given to me as a gift from my bestest friend, a photo I took recently of the front of my shop, a magazine holder with an assortment of adored Stampington Publications,

some vintage silver & the small glass holder that I keep my most beloved jewels in at the end of each the day

A newly found treasure, a rusty tin ceiling tile that is on hubby's side of the bed. {I feel a kinda sorry for him cuz he's not use to it & every night as he's getting ready for bed, he hits it with his arm & let's out a tiny curse...but thus are the sacrifice's made in the name of 'junk'!

So, can you guess what next amazing, unbelievable, monumental, can't believe it, I'm so darn excited, celebration I'll be having soon? 300th friend, follower, sweet hearts, gala, extravaganza, celebration!!
This will be my biggest & bestest Give-Away ever!!!
Yes, I know that it is only my 2nd giveaway, but it will be bigger & better then the 1st! lol
& I know it will involve handmade & hand wired jewels. ;)

Five more friends & we're there...another yippppeee from me!
I can't wait & my mind is feverishly conjuring up what all we might do for this very special event so keep checking back as it should be happening pretty soon!

And so I must end with another thank you sweet friends.
Thank you for following me through all of life's amazing & sometimes dull adventures.
Thank you for being my greatest cheerleaders & constant supporters as I'm finding my way.
Thank you for all of your comments & words of wisdom as I've journeyed down this incredible path.
Thank you for teaching me that hearts can shine so brightly, even from far off places.
Thank you for helping me find this amazing community of teachers, artists, jewelers, writers, photographers, junkers, frenchies, shop keepers, swappers, travelers & kindred spirits.
You have become family to me & simply put,
I can't imagine my life without you friends.
You all must know, how very much I HEART you!!!