
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Final 21 ~ 30 Truths & Angelino Heights

Greetings Sweet Friends...
How would you like to go back in time with me to the 1880's, when Los Angeles' very 1st suburban tract was built? With the on slaught of Midwesterner's arriving daily fresh off the train to settle in Los Angeles, they flocked to our city's first suburb, 'Angelino Heights'.

I have lived in So Cal my entire life & yet had no idea this amazing area existed until my sweet sister Sara accidentally came upon it after going to an open house in Echo Park...what a FIND! The entire 1300 Block of Carroll Avenue is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Here's one of the original maps of the tract as it was 1st conceived. Built on a hill high above LA, this location was attractive to home builders & buyers alike who desired both a pleasant view and the peace and quiet of suburban living.

Angelino Heights boasts the largest concentration of Queen Anne and Eastlake style Victorian homes in the city, most of which are on Kellam and Carroll Avenues. Most homes here do not have garages, because, of course, in the 1880s people did not have cars, but carriage houses can be seen on some of the properties.

Walking down these streets, remembering back to the Age of Innocence, really was such a delight! Even though theses gorgeous Victorian's are in various states of renovation, they all shine as bright as diamonds in the Los Angeles sun. 

So, enjoy the view while I finish my FINAL 10 Truths... ;)

Day 21: (Scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you got into a fight a couple of hours before. What do you do?
Not waste a second & as quickly as possible, get to her side & help support her & her family in anyway I can. Is there another answer here?

Day 22: Something you wish you hadn't done in your life.
This is a very private & hard question for me, probably the hardest so far. Choices we make when we are young, are often not the same choices we would make today. But then I think about how my WHOLE life would be different had different choices been made. I would most likely not have the beautiful daughter I have today & without her, I would not have the joy of my life, Kai. Judge me or accept me,
I believe in pro-choice. 

Day 23: Something you wish you had done in your life.
I have had a GRAND life!! I have done more & gone more places then I could have ever imagined as a child. But I guess, looking back, I wish I had enjoyed & participated more in high school. I wish I had gone to dances & proms & assembly's & football games, joined a few clubs, tried out for a few sports. You never get those years back & to have not enjoyed it to the fullest seems such a shame now!

Day 24: Make a playlist to someone and explain why you chose those songs.
I Hope You Dance by LeAnne Womack
The Climb by Miley Cirus
My Wish by Rascal Flats
Beautiful by Christine Aguilera
What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
Live Like You Were Dying by Tim MacGraw
Don't Fade Away by Wille Nelson
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
For Everyman by Jackson Browne
I send these songs of inspiration out to anyone feeling lost or alone. Music can lift you up & bring hope when you think there is none...these are some of my favorites!

Day 25: The reason you believe you're still alive today.
Pure & simple LUCK my friends!!! ;)

Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life?
I think most people have had that thought at some point on their journey through life, don't you? It's the follow through that is so incredibly tragic. I remember in high school, after my Mother had died, feeling so small & scared & alone. It was dark one night when my Father & I were driving to some insignificant location. I told him I didn't understand the purpose of life, that life hurt & was hard & could be so heartbreaking. He quietly said, "Your right Susie, life isn't easy, but it's definitely better then the alternative." That stuck! 

Day 27: What's the best thing you've got going for you right now?
My AGE! The wisdom that comes with being my AGE. The grace I feel in allowing myself to Age. The lack of concern of external opinion that Age can give you. The clarity of what's important & what's not that AGE can teach. The Ageless Wisdom of TRULY knowing is short. Grab it up in both hands, tell the people you love, everyday that you love them & if you really want to do something, do it NOW. Sometimes, there are no tomorrows. 

Day 28: What would you do if you got pregnant (or got someone pregnant) right now?
Well 1st, since I don't have periods anymore, I'd consider it an immaculate! Then, I'd have a baby & be a very tired ole Mama!!

Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself.
Nothing, I'm perfect!! LOL No, not really, I'm not perfect. But you know what...that's ok now. Time can teach us acceptance & the beauty in imperfection...

It can allow us to see the little nuances that make each of us who we are as Amazing & Splendid...

Tarnished & Tattered & Shabby & Chic, are now cool & awesome...

Chipped paint & rust is better then brand new...

Repurposed & restored absolutely ROCKS...

What an AWESOME time to be on This Ride!! 

Day 30: A letter to yourself.
I will let Rascal Flats write that letter for me..

I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
My, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
This, is my wish.

I know, I'm corny huh?
I want to thank Miss Linda from Ye Olde Crones Gazette for sharing her 30 TRUTHS with me. She not only gave me the chance to get to know her a little better, but also allowed me the opportunity to share my own TRUTHS with you.

{This house was used in Michael Jackson's video 'Thriller', how cool is that? It's the scene when his girlfriend is running up the steps into the abandoned house.} did you like these AMAZING Victorian's??

To imagine these beauties sitting on a hill overlooking what is now Downtown Los Angeles, is hard to believe...

And yet, here they stand...

& have stood...

for more then 100 YEARS!

If you venture to Los Angeles & LOVE Victorian's as I do, take some extra time for this beyond fabulous walking tour of 'Angelino Heights' is soooo well worth it! You can also go to the Los Angeles Conservancy for information on guided tours, which would give you all the wonderful history of these beautiful houses.

Thanks for coming along with me Sweet Hearts, not only on this tour, but on my tour called LIFE. It's always an ADVENTURE & I'm so happy to be sharing it with you!!


Monday, November 8, 2010

11 ~ 20 & a Beautiful Redlands Victorian

Marvelous Monday to all my Sweet Hearts! I have to admit, I do love the start of a brand new seems anything is possible. This weeks new possibility is to start a Low Carb Diet...again. Here's my tiny little goal, to diet & try & lose a few pounds before my birthday on November 25th. {that shouldn't be too hard, right?}

I LOVE it when my birthday falls on makes me feel sooo Special! The thing I don't like about being a TURKEY baby is that often I end up getting a piece of pumpkin pie with a candle on top of it, rather then an actual Happy Birthday cake! Isn't it great how the child in us still manages to find it's way out no matter how old we are! LOL Thanksgiving is at my house this year, so there's no fear of that happening. Maybe I'll call the Cake Boss & get a $300 cake to make up for all the missed cakes I haven't had...nahh. I'd rather get a pair Maggie Pearl bloomers! ;) 

As promised, I wanted to show you a few more pics of the amazing Victorian house in Redlands where Jamie & Lori hosted their lovely boutique. Enjoy your tour as I try & complete a few more questions for '30 Days of Truth'.

Number 11: Something people compliment you the most on.
Even though I've closed my shop, I would have to say I got so many wonderful compliments on my little store 'Lambs & Ivy'. Most of the people who entered through her charming dutch doors, commented on  how much they loved it...I miss that!

Number 12: Something you never get compliments on.
Unfortunately, that's an easy one...
my cooking. ;(

Number 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough times.
Jackson Browne! I started listening to him in high school & it always seemed as if he was singing my soul or my pain. His lyrics are like beautiful poetry to me. He's been in my life longer then most people. 

Number 14: A hero who has let you down.
I have lived my adult life trying very hard not to put ANYONE too high upon a pedestal being that we're all human, they are bound to fall off...I sure know I do. I would guess my biggest disappointments or sadness has come from OD's. River Phoenix or Heath Ledger, young men who had so much to live for & yet still couldn't find happiness.

{house kitty}
Number 15: Something or someone you couldn't live without.
My baby's...if something ever happened to my daughter or my grandson, I can't imagine life going on. Maybe it would, but I just can't imagine a life without them.

Number 16: Something or someone you could definitely live without.
Prejudice...I can't abide by any form of prejudice.

Number 17: A book you've read that changed your view on something.
In my world, life is made up of various shades of gray. I'm not a black & white kinda gal, there's extreme dark grays & grays that can almost look white...but life isn't so clear cut for me. If we're talking about life changing views, it's not a book but a movie. It was so many years ago I couldn't tell you when or even the name, but the story went something like this...
A wife & mother was raped & her world was completely turned upside down. Her rapist had been prosecuted & was serving time in jail, but she felt she couldn't get her life back unless she was able to confront him. With everyone thinking this was a terrible mistake, she made the arrangements for them to meet. After her initial rage, as she quietly cried, she asked her attacker why. He told her his life story, of summer's spent on his grandfather's farm. Of begging his parents not to make him go & yet every summer, for most of his childhood, his grandfather raped him daily. With him now in tears, she slowly walks over to his chair & gently hugs him saying, "I wish I could have been your Mommy & protected you from so much pain." In that moment, my world became gray.

Number 18: Your view on gay marriages.
I have amazing sisters! My youngest sister is a college professor. She is wicked smart,  incredibly loving & caring, she's beautiful inside & out & she's gay. I absolutely believe in gay marriage.

Number 19: What is your opinion on religion.
I am a spiritual person. I try & live a life I can be proud of. Organized religion confuses me often. When I think we should be teaching our children & the world about love & tolerance, sometimes it seems that organized religions are spreading messages of prejudice & intolerance. I know it's simply the flaws of man that creates this, but I don't like it.

Finally Number 20: Your views on drugs & alcohol.
I grew up in the 70's, so for me to say I never took a drug would be ridiculous! I am blessed that my daughter never got into drugs & I pray my grandson never does either. The drugs they have now just seem to be so deadly & addictive, they scare me. Alcohol, I have no problem with social drinking. Anything in excess is not a good thing...except for maybe pizza!  ;)

Look at the gorgeous fruit on this tree! 100 years ago Redlands was nothing but orchards. When the orange blossoms are in bloom, I just want to pull my car over & BREATHE!

So, now I'm down to my final 10 questions & when my task is done, you will all know more about me then you ever wanted to know. I guess the hope is, that maybe I'll know myself a little bit better.

I want to thank Jamie of Two Wild Roses for our wonderful tour of her beautiful home. Here she is standing next to her Mom's, Vintage Shasta travel trailer & y'all know how much I love me a vintage trailer! Soon I'll show you some of the awesome Victorian's we went & saw yesterday in Echo Park. Until then...
