
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Writings from a Christmas Past...

In 1870 a loving & devoted daughter named Ella, wrote some Holiday wishes to her much beloved parents.
My dear sister Kristen, gave me these letters years ago knowing my appreciation for anything old & now I share my treasures with you, my Sweetest of Hearts.

1870 was a mere 5 years after the Civil War had ended. What of the war had our Miss Ella seen first hand?
Did she & her family live in the North or in the South?
Were they of privilege or poverty?
Did she & her Mother sit together wrapping bandages for the soldiers?
Did her Father or brothers go off to fight in the war?

The papers she chose to write on are delicate & ornate, the pages tied together with a thin green ribbon.
Her penmanship is exquisite & her prose beautiful.
By her writings, I can tell Ella was a sensitive & well educated young woman.
I want to know so much more.
Here's her Christmas Wish...

Heartily my parents dear
I wish you blessings choice,
And all the treasure here below
Which can your hearts rejoice.
Peacefully may pass the days
Within the bright New Year,
Plentiful may pleasure be
Your loving hearts to cheer!
Yes, may Heaven grant you health
And still your life prolong,
Never may my Parents dear
Be suffering any wrong.
E'er for your parental care
And all your tender love,
Will I endeavor day by day
My gratitude to prove
Yes, I will strive to be your joy
Your comfort and your stay,
Each benefit received from you,
Thus fondly to repay.
Ah! then accept my wishes fond
My own loved Parents dear,
Receive with them my fibile love
And gratitude sincere.
Affectionately inscribed by

What an amazing Gift from a child! This is a lost art my friends.
In an age of voicemails & emails, texts & iphones, facebook & twitter...
who would want to take the time to sit down & write such an eloquent & heartfelt poem?

I am blessed to have one more of Ella's handwritten wishes, this one for her Mamma's birthday only 5 days before my own.

My dear Mamma,
Today being the anniversary of your birth, I beg you to accept the sincere congratulation that come from the heart of a devoted child. Although I wish you happiness every day of my life, still on this bright anniversary of your birth, it seems but natural that I should give expression of my thoughts. Yes, dearest Mamma, may God grant you all blessings, both spiritual and temporal, may he bestow upon you all that contributes to a life of peace and happiness. Though I cannot give you a sensible token of my love and gratitude, be assured that I have offered fervent prayers to the throne of God for your welfare.
Receive, beloved Mamma, my wishes for health, peace and happiness as a testimonial of the lasting affection of
Your devoted child,
November 20th, 1870

Sweet, Sweet Ella...
Could you have ever imagined in your grandest of dreams that 140 years later, someone like me would be holding your letters close to her heart, with the wish to share your love & beauty & grace as a Christmas gift to all the world? Life is so very Remarkable!!!
Sharing with my friends from Faded Charm ...Welcome!

I am also joining Debra of Common Ground for her Vintage Inspiration Friday post. The theme through December is to share your Vintage fun is that! Come on over & join in the fun, there are so many lovely links to visit. I hope you will enjoy them as well.
PS: If you haven't entered my 400 Friends Giveaway, don't forget to click here & leave a comment!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Festival of Lights at the Mission Inn, Riverside

Here's to the start of a New & Wonderful Week Friends!!
The Friday after Thanksgiving is a day my family looks forward to all year.
Not because of the unbelievable crowds & prices on Black Friday,
but for the yearly 1st night lighting of The Festival of Lights in Riverside, California at the historic Mission Inn.

It's an awesome evening of Christmas Magic, filled with music, lights & fireworks!
Did I mention they put up more then 3.5 million lights?
Talk about a nightmare if a bulb burns out! lol

The countdown begins...
10, 9, 8, 7, the crowd is getting excited now... 
6, 5, 4, the sound of children screaming with glee is in the background...{oh, sorry that was me} 
3, 2, 1, the lights are all turned on simultaneously as a bombardment of fireworks shoot from the roof of the Inn!

Can anyone give me a 'WOOT WOOT'!!!
Urban dictionary definition:
An expression one may utter in complete approval or joy.

Expression of simplistic ecstasy.

An expression of absolute happiness, totally euphoric.

I guess that just about sums it up perfectly!!! ;)

While watching a fireworks extravaganza, surrounded by millions of Christmas lights,
I'm pretty much 6 years old again.

Ooooooooo, ahhhhhhhh...ohhhh, wowww, sooooo coooool!!! 

That was the extent of my ability to verbalize, as I was completely mesmerized by this beyond amazing start to the Christmas Season.
Here's wishing you a Magical Beginning to your Holiday Season Friends!!!
