
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Beyond Blessed & a Bead Soup

{Lori's beautiful presentation of red boxes with purple ribbon}
My Sweetest of Hearts,
How does one say Thank You, when they reach out for guidance & light
& are surrounded by Shooting Stars?
The Brilliance of your compassion, prayers & quiet wisdom,
helped me hear God's whispers & leaves me feeling Beyond Blessed.
Johnny & I will be forever grateful.
We asked for Light & were given a Beacon of Faith & Hope,
that helped us find our way through the dark.
My Heart is so Full,
Thank You isn't nearly enough.

{her labels with paper lanterns on them are divine}
And just when I needed it the most, something Wonderful came in the mail for me yesterday...
my very own BEAD SOUP. My lovely friend & amazing jewelry designer,
is hosting her 3rd Bead Soup Party & 210 friends are playing with her!
{simply saying that number out loud makes my hands sweat}

The idea of the party is to pair you up with a partner who has a completely different style then yours. Partners then exchange a focal piece, a clasp, some beads to get them started & any other fun extras you might want to add. Using the main components, we design a piece of jewelry & on February 26th we have our reveal & a Blog Hopping Party to go check out what everyone much fun, right! Now for the biggest surprise...guess who my partner is??? Lori Anderson herself!! about pressure! I was horrified & delighted, all at the same time! Horrified, cuz what in the world could I give my bead guru that she would slightly like & delighted, cuz I knew I would be getting some 'Good Stuff!' My 1st box had my Extras in it...yes, those are my extras. A round, glass focal bead, a ceramic starfish by Spirited Earth & a glass pansy by CC Lampwork. I adore them all, but that Pansy just takes my breath away!!

My 2nd box had an amazing Thai, silver focal...
{I've never used anything like this, my mind is swimming with the possibilities}

and an abundance of beyond beautiful beads!!

I got labradorite, violet opals, amethyst, handmade lampwork glass beads by Davinia Design & cultured pearls. What a gorgeous & subtle color palette, it's stunning!

Thank you soooo much Sweet Lori, for sending me such awesome ingredients for my Bead Soup!
How can it not turn out yummy with all of these beauties added to the mix.

If you get a chance, please stop by Lori's blog to find out more & make sure you come back for the reveal on February 26th...I can't wait to see what everyone creates & that includes me! ;)

And as for Johnny...I will keep you posted. I'm at peace with my decisions.
Tammy said, "God led you to your brother not to just take him as you said, he led you to your brother so you could find him again. So, he would not be alone when it was his time to go. To know he had his loving sister with him. God let you find him so you could let him know it is okay to go now. He waited those years for you."
Again Sweet Friends, no words can express my Heart.



  1. What a challenge!! Good for you, Susie-can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. Oh, wow those are some beautiful beads! Your cup o' soup runnith over my more ways than one =)

  3. LOVE the colors she chose for you! Who made that pansy bead???? I MUST have some. Is it Davina Design???? LOVE LOVE LOVE it all. Can't wait to see what you design. HUGS!

  4. the first shot of your soup in the bowl is breathtaking & those aren't even colours I use! I can't even imagine being paired up w/ Lori, I'd faint dead away!

  5. Well, my eyes have welled up and tears leaking out the sides. I was holding together pretty well, kind of deciding to not think about that a year ago next week I had the heart ache and the honor to help my dad leave this earth. But, reading your posts, I can relate to the heaviness in your heart. It is such a profound experience to be the one to make the decisions, to do what is needed to release a loved one from being here with us, to help guide them away from us, to put aside our selfish need to have them physically close and let them slip away. It is truly profound and hard to explain to anyone. So I know a bit of your heart ache and send to you all the wishes and hugs and love and prayers I can. God will grant you the wisdom and grace to know what to do when, and deal with all that you will experience in the days to come. I know it to be true. I am thinking of you and if you need anything, just holler!

  6. Susie,
    I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. The whole time line with your reconnection with Johnny breaks my heart but I know you will handle it with a lot of love and compassion. Not that it won't be hard, because it has to be one of life's hardest experiences but I do think you will reach into yourself and find resources that you never know you had. I will be holding you in my heart.

  7. I'm glad you like your soup -- I hope it brings you some quiet peace as you make something with it!

  8. Susie, I've had you on my mind. I hope you are hanging in there, as you make it through such a tough time. I'm sending you hugs!
    Dear Lori is a very gernous soul. Just look at that incredible stash of beads she sent - and in the most beautiful colors!!! Oh my, I'm in love!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!