
Friday, January 21, 2011

Bonnie Raitt Tonight...Oh Yeahhhh!

{the original Magnolia Pearl}
If you were to cut me & the symphony of my soul was to flow from my veins, you'd hear two musicians...
Jackson Browne & Bonnie Raitt.
They have been with me longer then most of the people in my life.
Longer then my daughter, longer then my husband...
longer then 2 of my siblings & longer then most of my oldest & dearest friends.
If I were a movie, Jackson & Bonnie would be the score to my life.

For my birthday in November, my amazing daughter surprised me with tickets to see Bonnie in concert & guess what??? Tonight's the night!!! Oh Yeahhhh, tonight's the night & I'm ready to get my party on!

I first saw Bonnie at the tiniest of venues, The Golden Bear in Huntington Beach back when I graduated from Marina High School. It sat on PCH right across from the pier, filled with long family style dinner tables & watching a performance there was like having a concert at home, it was as intimate & up close & personal as it gets. Oh so sadly, The Golden Bear has long since been torn down & replaced by a new two story stucco & tile roofed shopping complex, the not so wonderful modernization of HB.

The past is past, right! So tonight, my daughter & I will head down towards San Diego to the gorgeous Pala Casino Spa Resort for a night of dinner, drinks, gambling & music. Bonnie Raitt is there, I get to watch her perform again & listen to the songs that raised me & share it all with the child I's going to be MAGIC & that 'Circle of Life' just keeps on rollin. I'm too excited, I have to go get ready right now. I wonder if she'll recognize me?  ;)
More to come!

XOXO Sweat Hearts


  1. OMG, i LOVE Seeing Vintage HB pics do you have more? Remember Whimpies right next door to the golden bear? The best strips with cheese and sauce. I miss my hometown :) Ill be moving back June 1 i cant wait :)

  2. i hope you have a great time with your special 'gals'; i understand how you feel i got hooked on springsteen at 16 and he has stood by me through thick and thin. enjoy ladies...

  3. What a wonderful gift. Enjoy your evening. I'll be watching for the full review here on your blog!

  4. BONNIE! Bonnie and I have spent many a night together - sad and lonely ones, happy and love filled ones- Bonnie has always been there when I needed her and always knew just the right thing to say. Wishing you and your daughter THE best evening - say Hi to Bonnie for me!

  5. Oooo I Love Bonnie Raitt! Thank you for the Great Music! Have a Wonderful Time with your Daughter!!
    By the way my Daughter and I went to see the Black Swan too. It was Very Dark. I can understand why Natalie Portman won Best Actress for her Role. She was Haunting! Looking forward to seeing The Kings Speech and the Fighter!
    Happy Friday!

  6. I'm with you all the way and so very green with jealousy. Certain music just touches you to the very core. Enjoy!


  7. Have a great time! Bonnie & Jackson are two of my faves also. Now I will date myself, but back in the early 70's she used to come to town and play free concerts at the University of Buffalo in the student union. Those were the days.....

  8. I have been a Bonnie fan for years! I saw her once in New Orleans and she was so cool. I know you are enjoying this! Great gift from your daughter.

  9. Bonnie Raitt!! You lucky dog you! By the way, just love your new header!!!

  10. Oh you lucky girl! I hope you have a memorable evening. Say "Hi" to Bonnie, and of course you'll have to post pictures.

  11. could she not remember you? You leave such a lasting impression...just don't try to lick her...'kay?
    It's so funny...Laura (at White Spray Paint) just did a wonderful post on what's playing on her IPod and guess which woman is mentioned 3 times? Yeah you got it!

  12. Oh how exciting! I hope you have a wonderful time. You sound like me when I finally got to hear James Taylor in person. Soooo exciting! Kit

  13. I adore Bonnie! I would LOVE to see her in concert... You're so lucky!

  14. I too am a Bonnie fan and would love to see her in concert! She is such a soulful artist, along with Carol King and others from that "era"!LOL......Guess I am dating myself now! Cathy aka GGJ


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