
Sunday, February 13, 2011

10 Things I Heart About You...

{heart rock in Crestline, home town}
My Sweetest of Hearts...
Do y'all know just how much I HEART you??
I mean REALLY, do you know???
Here's 10 Reasons I Heart You Sooo Much...
1. You've ALWAYS got my back, no matter what...
2. Often your comments just make me smile...  ;)
3. And sometimes your comments allow me to cry...
4. I consider you all to be Creative Geniuses...
5. I am ALWAYS inspired by you!

6. By being my friends, you've helped me be braver then I really am...
7. In your own way each & every one of you have helped me follow my life's journey...
8. Often, you simply make me LOL...
9. You took my hand & lead me to Round Top, Texas & I'll never be the same...
10. You have welcomed me into this amazing blogging community with open arms & I am so grateful & over joyed to be a part of it with you!

My hope & wish for all you, is to have a Valentine's Day filled with LOVE!
The love of a, home, garden, good friends, a loyal animal, a hot cup of tea, mocha coffe, a good book, a good movie, a peaceful walk, an ocean drive, blue skies, an open field, a touch of a hand, a favorite song, a sunset.
Love comes to us in so many different forms everyday...
sometimes the grandest joys come from the simplest of pleasures.
Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Hearts...
may your special day be filled with LOVE in what ever form it takes!



  1. Happy Valentine's day to you, Sweetheart!
    A lovely post ... thank you ; )

  2. ~I have just met you and I love you~Dug

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you! What a sweet post! I feel much the same about you and all the bloggers I follow! hugs, Linda

  4. Back at ya Susie! Hope all your days are filled with love!

    Hugs ~~ Connie

  5. I heart that heart shape in the rock and I heart YOU!


  6. The heart is almost as wonderful as you dear one. Happy V day. The Olde Bagg.....and by the way blushing is allowed only once a year......just saing.

  7. Susie,
    Happy Valentine's Day to very special you. Now we need to come back with 10 things we love about you. Here are a few...

    1. You are a tremendously talented photographer.
    2. You can pick up another arty skill (like jewelry-making) and be good at it just like THAT!
    3. You are wise and philosophical and always make me think.
    4. You have great taste in music.
    5. You are a brave woman who pushes to move out of her comfort zone and inspires us all.
    6. You have a very big heart.

    OK...someone else gets the next ones :-)

    Big hugs,

  8. Happy Valentine's Day to you ~ great post!

    I would like to add...

    You are witty and pretty!

  9. Aaaahhh....thanks Susie! Rest assured, we keep coming back here and enjoy spending time with you beacause you are a great person, genuinely sweet, truly talented.....just the perfect person to have as a friend :)

    Happy Love Day to you, too, Dear One!

  10. Such a sweet post, Susie! Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day, too!

  11. Love that heart rock! Love you too Sweet girl!
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Tammy :-)

  12. What an amazing heart shaped rock! And what a lovely Valentine's Day post.... Love visiting, Suzie. ♥ Sue

  13. What a find...the heart rock is truly incredible! I hope you had a happy Valentine's Day, friend! :-)


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!