
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chateau De Fleurs, Part 2

Good Morning Sweetie Pies....
As promised, I'm back with with the second installation of 'Chateau De Fleurs' vintage show in Fallbrook, really was sooooo delightful!!

This booth belongs to Sweet Magnolias Farm you not just LOVE those wreaths?? I'm sitting here kicking myself thinking, "Why didn't I buy one of THOSE?", as I look at the empty space on the back of my front door. {I feel a custom order brewing inside me} 

Everything they had was shabbified perfectly! This adorable Mother & Daughter team, Abbey & Sara, were so much fun to talk to. We talked about moving & Texas & humidity & the shows & our blogs & about getting PUBLISHED. You see, they make AMAZING aprons out of vintage linens like the one laying on the daybed & they just had an article published in Apronology. Congratulations Friends, how exciting, right! For more about Abbey & Sara check out their blog, Sweet Magnolias may be feeling a custom order brewing too!

Then I was lucky enough to find this darling women...The Junk Fairy!!! Now who couldn't use their very own Junk Fairy? I mean really...I LOVE junk & I LOVE fairy's, it's a marriage made in heaven! Miss Fairy had a couple of things I just couldn't live without! She had a faded pink, horse riding ribbon from Fargo, way too cooool, {best movie ever} a stack of old cabinet cards, {gotta have those} & vintage baby shoes. {who can say no to old baby shoes?}

Then like the dingy that I am, I wanted a great cream colored vintage jewelry box she had...I thought I'd bought it. Driving home I was dreaming of all the fun things I could do with it when it dawned on me, I didn't go back & BUY it...I'm STILL mad!
{me & the fairy are in private negotiations about this as we speak}
Stop by & say hi on her blog Junk Fairy, she could use some more friends!  ;)

At this point, I had spent WAY too much time chatting & needed to get a move on it.
I adored this glammed up dress form, created by White Horse Relics, isn't she DIVINE??

and this cool booth is by another Mom & Daughter team, Lori & Jamie from Two Wild Roses! They were the hostesses of the Redlands show I went to a couple of months back & Jamie owned a charming little antique store next to mine for a while.

{picture courtesy of Jamie}
They have a wonderful & whimsical sense of design, along with some AWESOME antiques! Two Wild Roses can now be found at Country Roads Antiques in Orange, CA... one of my favorite antique shops in Orange County!

At this point, I seriously needed to leave, I was soooo late, so I did a quick tour of the last few vendors...

a different side of the Sweet Magnolias Farm booth, loved the Rose Queen window...

and finally I made it back around to my friend Shirley's booth of The Cottage Garden. I'm trying to talk her into creating a blog so she can get a little more exposer.

She is an Amazing Designer of clothing, pillows & purses, all made from Vintage Linen's.

Here's a row of her bloomers, don't you just LOVE all the white!
She has a very Magnolia Pearl feel to her clothing design, but at less then half the price. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some MP, but more often then not, it's a little out of my price range reach.
So there you have it, a beautiful weekend spent in the roling hills of So Cal,
surounded by orchards & antiques...
who could ask for more?
The next Chateau De Fleurs is...
June 3rd & 4th, 2011
9:00am ~ 5:00pm, located at
1524 S Hill Ave.
Fallbrook, Ca  92028
You will find me there, wandering through the orchards & antiques, chatting up a storm!
That's just the way I roll  ;)



  1. Heya GORGEOUS....!

    HEAVENS Suzie it's been TOO long between visits my Friend....!!!!!

    It's the beginning of a busy day for me but I'll pop back tonight to see what you've been up to....!!

    YES....Your Friend Shirley MUST start a blog....That CLEVER lady needs to be seen by the wider community FOR SURE....!

    Now I did flick down a bit just now to read the BEST NEWS OF ALL....You my Friend are heading back to Texas & SO AM I....I'll be there from the 20th - 29th March & I'm SUPER STOKED you're goin'....SUPER SUPER SUPER STOKED....!!!!!

    Can't WAIT to catch up with you in the FLESH....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah xxxxx

  2. My friend Cynthia went to that show too. She says I NEED to come out when they combine this show with the one Matilda's that is held at the Betty Crocker Estate. I want the petticoat you showed WITHOUT the corsette! I think my figure is past corsettes! HUGS!

  3. Okay, I've marked it on my calendar! Maybe you and I will meet and chat, too ;)

  4. Thanks so much for sharing all this beauty! Perfect timing for me as we are planning our very first tent event at our shop!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  5. I wanted to go to this SO badly, but I'm saving my bucks for RT!! It looks like so much fun, and love Shirley's creations, yummm. Wish I was there playing and shopping with you, but we can do it in Texas! Hugs, Riki

  6. I'm writing the date in my calendar RIGHT NOW!!!!

  7. Wow! Sounds like you had soo much fun! What a great show. I especially loved the dress with the netted, beribboned skirt. Like something out of a storybook.

    Finally finishing up my rounds from the Bead Soup party. The sheer creativity is amazing.

  8. What a great sale, wish I lived near by. Thanks for sharing and coming and visiting me, thus I found you. Florence


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