
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dreamin of Forth Worth Texas

I LOVE a lazy Sunday afternoon, don't you?
Having a late breakfast & hanging out in your jammies till noon...what's not to like!
But on this Sunday afternoon, I'm missing my Sweet TEXAS.
Maybe it's all the pics I've been seein of all my Girly Friends in Canton...
Sewww, I'm taking a trip to Fort Worth today, ya wanna come along??

There's nothin quite like the neon glow of Old Town Fort Worth & The Stockyards.
I dream that I'm rich enough to go into Leddy's to have
a pair of custom Cowgirl Boots made just for me.
What kind of design would I chose?
Would they fit me like a glove & not even kinda hurt?
Oh, that would be pure Heaven!!!

When I was there in the spring for the antique festival in Round Top,
my sweetest friends Charlene & Cindy took me & Karen
for a night on the town in the Stockyards & that red & green neon
has been glowing in my memories ever since.

The streets look like an amusement park, with one little restaurant & bar after another.
Can anybody say, let's party 'Texas Style'??  ;)

Now, partyin Texas Style requires two main courses,
Beer & Beef!!!
Can I get a Yell Yeah???
{sorry to all you vegetarians out there, my sister included}

Our chaperone's, I mean tour guides, took us to what has to be one of the
COOLEST spots in town, the H3 Ranch! We had an awesome meal there, but
do you know what I remember the most from that fabulous meal?
The BEANS!! Yep, those damn beans were to die for!

And on top of being the coolest looking spot in town with the bestest food,
H3 also has a little interesting history to it to.
Seems that Bonnie & Clyde hid out in that top floor, corner room in the hotel
attached to the restaurant after one of their murderous, robbing sprees.

Here's The Wild Bunch itself...
Karen, Cindy, Charlene & Boyfriend,
We may look nice, but we're ready to RUMBLE!!

Are ya gettin a taste for Texas yet?
I have a little bit of drool in the corner of my mouth, just thinkin about it's yumminess!

OK, so where else can you go & see a possum hanging from the
ceiling & a Buffalo Butt sticking out of the bar...
Texas Baby, Texas!

OMG, I think that buffalo's butt has been violated with a rather large toothpick.
Someone has defiled that poor old buffalo's butt.
{just promise when I die you won't let anybody do this with my butt,
I'd turn over in my grave}
I just LOVED Fort Worth's Stock Yards, tooooo fun!

Now, we are really going backwards in time.
This was the very 1st place I made poor Charlene take
us after she picked us up at Love Field in Dallas.

You know, The Book Depository in Dealey Plaza.
I'm a history buff & am fascinated with any kind of history, so there was no
way I could go to Dallas for the first time & not see Dealey Plaza.
As Miss Charlene said, "Not one of Texas's finest hours.", but regardless it is
an important part of American History.

And 48 years after a man stood in one of those windows with a rifle & killed our President,
after 48 years of speculation, conspiracy theories & the Zapruder film,
I got to see the Grassy Knoll for myself.
It gave me goosebumps...
My Charlene is sooooo GOOD to me!!

Sewwww Sweet Hearts, I hope you enjoyed our Sunday in Texas!
We got a lot of Fort Worth, a little Dallas, a whole lot of Woot Woot
& y'all just remember, my boots are out, my bags are packed & 
I can't wait to get me back there!
Even if it is Hotter then HELL!  ;)



  1. Love the Stockyards! Never did get to see the buffalo butt, so I've yet to see it all!! ;) I know Leddy's well, my sister almost parked on the huge curb next to it! =) Great pictures!

  2. I love old town...I'll be there in two weeks! We always spend at least a day there while visiting our daughter...and yes, it's always HOT when we are in Texas. It's a scorcher here today too in NC at a toasty 95. Great photos!

  3. I've been to Dealey Plaza and the grassy knoll. It does give one goose bumps to stand there and speculate.

    I've NOT been to the Ft Worth stockyards. Now that sounds like a fun place to be!

  4. This was a fun little trip!! Great way to start off my Monday ~ thanks!!

  5. It is indeedy hotter than hell here in the lone star state. LOLOLOL

    Girl - you better let me know when you bring your sweet self back here... I'll give you the 5 minute Waco tour then we'll have some real fun! LOLOL

    ;-D xoxo

  6. It is so fun down there!! I can't believe I live so close and never go!
    I agree with Robelyn ~ It is hotter than hell here!! I think I will trade you for California ~


  7. I remember those fun filled days together like it was yesterday! It was just yesterday wasn't it????? Your photos are wonderful! You wouldn't be missin Texas if you were here! It's Hotter Than Hell!!!! If you see my post about our tipr in the RV last week you can see we had to be wet to survive! HUGS!

  8. Amen to sister Charlene! You walk outside and it feels like your body is on fire! The Stockyards are a lot of fun, sometimes a little "too much fun" if you're not careful! I bet lots of cute cowboys would love to buy you a drink if you come back! Next time you come we can sit in the shade sipping a tall cool one just wathin' the cute cowboys walk by. We watch them walk by because it's to dang hot to run after them! You come back now, ya hear!-cindy

  9. Beef and beer- honey you're my kind of girl! How great to have enjoyed such a fun time. I think the heat is oppressive everywhere- here in OH we have the horrible humidity on top of it. ick! Haven't been to TX for a long time- met a gal pal in San Antonio the last time I was there 5 years ago. I do believe we had lots of beef and beer. LOL


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