
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Soup is ON, Bead Soup That is!

Hey Sweeties...
I may disappear for a minute, flying off the grid...
but you can't get rid of me that easy! lol
Many of you probably already know this, but once again...drum roll please,
it's time for
Lori Anderson of Pretty Things Blog's, most delicious concoction.

I am so excited to be partnered up with a jewelry designer that I have never had the pleasure
to meet before, Malin de Koning from Stockholm Sweden.
She loves to work with beads & buttons & textiles & her
style seems to be full of color & texture,
sooooo gorgeous!

I'm sooooo excited for my foreign parcel to arrive!
I can't wait to see what she has sent to me,
but I'll bet you one thing...
I just know it will be FULL of COLOR!!!
Take a peek at Malin's beautiful blog, Beads By Malin de Koning
 & as the ingredients for our SOUP arrive,
there will be so much more to share with you as
we gear up for our September 17th Reveal.
Stay Tuned & Enjoy this Beautiful Week!



  1. I love the decorative pieces! The ring is superb! :)


  2. How fab are these? I'm diggin' that ring and that last photo is whuppin' this chubby Texas lady.

  3. Everything looks great, as usual. You go sell the dickens out of everything and have a great time! Take care cutie,xoxo-cindy

  4. Susie, It was so much fun having dinner together last night! THANK YOU for coming down off the mountain to hook up with us! And THANK YOU for my present. LOVED the book & the little rosebud filled sachet. The weather was wonderful, the food great but, the company divine! Hope to see you soon. I miss my Cali girls already. Remember to look upi Deb Hodge for those clothes we talked about. Just did a post with a link to her. HUGS!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!