
Monday, November 7, 2011

KC Willis & Friends

Thanks Marilou, for this picture of you & Me & KC
surrounded by her beautiful artwork!!!
What a Fabulous Day...
I'm ready for MORE PLEASE!!!!  ;)



  1. Susie, You look so great in that pic, so does KC, can't wait for more classes, the ones for March are already up on KC's site, I already signed up, couldn't wait, now I have to get busy by making some things for gifts for the holidays to offset the $$ I spent and make it up! I just need a $$$ tree. Start selling that jewelry Susie! Hugs, Marilou

  2. Wow that's a lot of talent in one room!!
    You all look so amazing!!


  3. Susie,
    Thank you for the sweet comments about BF's Dad. It's been a long road. You & I have talked about it as I have traveled it. Now, he is at Peace & we can get our life back.

    I can't wait to take the class with KC. My class is in December. I LOVE what you made. I think like you I want to use one of her images instead of bringing my own. But, heavens knows I have plenty of doilies after we dug in those huge containers in Round Top. Have a great week.HUGS!

  4. Susie,
    Thank you for the sweet comments about BF's Dad. It's been a long road. You & I have talked about it as I have traveled it. Now, he is at Peace & we can get our life back.

    I can't wait to take the class with KC. My class is in December. I LOVE what you made. I think like you I want to use one of her images instead of bringing my own. But, heavens knows I have plenty of doilies after we dug in those huge containers in Round Top. Have a great week.HUGS!

  5. What an adorable picture! You ladies are having fun! :)



I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!