
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Vintage Christmas Ads Make Me Smile!

Happy Weekend before Christmas Sweet Hearts!
The month of December goes by in a blink for me,
does it seem that way to you too?

This morning I was watching 'Mad Men' on AMC, like I do every
Sunday morning, when I saw this great vintage 50's ad that was put on
Facebook by Retreuxgirl I LOVE the look of this ad & the verbage...
'Christmas Morning She'll be Happier With a Hoover'! Really?? :))

These ads look like they could have been created by the
advertising geniuses at 'Sterling Cooper Draper & Pryce'.
Could I possibly want anything more for Christmas then a Hoover??
Oh, I know...a new SCALE! 
What a Beautiful Way to Say Merry Christmas!! ;)

As I searched the Google images for Vintage Christmas Ads,
I had NO idea how popular cigarettes were as a Holiday Gift.
Desi & Lucy like them...

and so does Ronald Reagan! He's sending Chesterfields to all his friends,
because that's the Merriest Christmas any smoker can have!

But do you know what surprised me the most looking
through these vintage Christmas ads???

Santa smokes cigarettes TOO!!! LOL
I knew he smoked a pipe, but seein him toking on a cigarette
just looks a little weird to me.

I bet we all would like some chocolate covered, Peppermint Necco's
in our stockings, & they are STILL only 5 cents!

And who didn't love Wrigley's Spearmint gum growing up? Yummmmy.

But the Mother-lode of Holiday Gifts was ALWAYS...
a Schwinn Bicycle, right!

I got many bicycles for Christmas as a child.
We were never rich, maybe we were even a little on the poor side,
but my Christmas's were ALWAYS filled with Wonder & Delight.

It started with a trike, then moved up to a bike with training wheels,
then a Stingray with a gold, glittered seat & finally to a turquoise beach
cruiser with a little wicker basket attached to the handle bars in High School ...
I was a LUCKY little girl!

Because of this iconic advertising image, I think children around the world
always knew that Santa Claus LOVED Coca Cola...Simply Brilliant!

And isn't sad & poignant, that in every single generation, families were
hoping & praying for their loved ones to return home from the
war to be able to spend Christmas together.

I am SOOOO VERY EXCITED & I Thank GOD, that our service men
& women in Iraq will be HOME for the Holidays!!
The War is Over & the Last American Convoy has left Iraq,
that is most assuredly a Christmas Blessing!!!

So Sweet Friends,
I hope you enjoyed our little holiday trip down memory lane,
I know I did. And I hope some of these vintage ads gave you a smile,
as they did me.

And if you still have any last minute holiday gifts to get for your loved ones,
always remember...

Nothing says Merry Christmas & Hope for a New Year
of Peace & Love, quite like a Daisy...perfect for EVERYONE
on your Christmas List!! LOL



  1. Thanks for the Shout-Out sweetie!! I have been looking at vintage ads today too......great minds think alike.....

  2. GREAT photos! BF gave me a vacuum cleaner for out first Christmas. I CRIED!!!! We had only been married 2 months & were living at Fort Hood (Oh so BROKE were we). He was so proud... And shocked that I wasn't thrilled. We've both learned a lot since then!!! He now NEVER gives appliances or anything to do with house work (as a gift) & I now understand he was only trying to help lighten my load. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful one. HUGS!

  3. GREAT photos! BF gave me a vacuum cleaner for out first Christmas. I CRIED!!!! We had only been married 2 months & were living at Fort Hood (Oh so BROKE were we). He was so proud... And shocked that I wasn't thrilled. We've both learned a lot since then!!! He now NEVER gives appliances or anything to do with house work (as a gift) & I now understand he was only trying to help lighten my load. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful one. HUGS!

  4. I laughed SO hard for all of these! But youre right, nothing says it liek a Daisy! THAT was my absolute fave! :D Sweet, thanks!


  5. Down here in Texas, we just skip the Daisy's and go straight for the Winchester's! Ooh..and a gun rack for Christmas is the cherry on top.
    Poor Santa...he's had to schlepp it all.
    Here at the Casita de Trash we spell scales...D-I-V-O-R-C-E.
    P.S. Merry Christmas Darlin'!!

  6. I love the vintage ads; the colors, the text, the verbage, and how they were able to made you actually want a scale for Christmas. Thanks for sharing these with us!

  7. These are fabulous!!! My dad smoked Camel cigarettes...can't say they promoted good anything!
    Ooooh. A sting ray. I think I had one of those. Were they the bikes with the banana seat? And I know if anyone gave me a scale for Christmas, they wouldn't be on my nice list.

  8. Hi Susie, You are so right about the Holidays coming and going so fast. It seems as though we are always so rushed but we need to take a time out to enjoy them! I loved looking at your vintage ads. They inspired me to go look for some more! I had that exact same Schwinn bike with the red and white seat, except in the girls version of course, and mine had a bell on it that I just loved!
    Thank you for sharing these wonderful memories!
    Have a wonderful Holiday
    Love you,

  9. Oh dear God, these ads had me laughing and shaking my head!!! After the kids shot up everything with their bebe guns, mom and dad would blaze up a few cartons of cigs while the kids got all hyped up on Necco waffers then dad would give mom her Hoover and she'd hit him over the head with the scales she also unwrapped! LOL! Great adds! Thanks for the laugh!

  10. These are awesome!!! And totally wrong at the same time: ) Thank you Sweet Susie! Missed you! Love, Jamie

  11. As much as I got a smile from the cigarettes & Daisy rifles, I got a big dose of heartwarming from the bubble lights. TOTAL FLASHBACK to Christmas with my great-grandparents when I was little.

    Thanks for sharing - this is just the vintage inspiration I needed!


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!