
Friday, January 7, 2011

Lovely New Blog Design for Riki Jewelry!

Greetings Sweet Hearts in this fabulous
New Year!
I am surrounded by snow in my quint
mountain hamlet,
but the sky is blue & the sun is shining brightly &
I have high hopes for an EARLY thaw.  ;)
{I know, it's just the beginning of January...
but a girl can hope, right!}

My Sweet Friend, Riki Schumacher of Riki Jewelry fame, asked me to help her create a whole new look for her blog in celebration of the New Year. She wanted a clean, feminine design, in which I think we accomplished perfectly! Her blog's white background, now makes a great showcase for her
Awesome Photography.

Riki's jewelry are 'romantic relics', vintage inspired & absolutely fabulous!
She is hosting a 'New Year's Giveaway' that I KNOW you'll want to be a part of...
just get over to her blog before January 10th, leave a comment & your entered.
It's that EASY!

What a talented artisan she is along with being such a beautiful spirit.
Thank you so much Riki for the opportunity to create this awesome design with you...
I think it turned out HEAVENLY!
