
Friday, January 7, 2011

Lovely New Blog Design for Riki Jewelry!

Greetings Sweet Hearts in this fabulous
New Year!
I am surrounded by snow in my quint
mountain hamlet,
but the sky is blue & the sun is shining brightly &
I have high hopes for an EARLY thaw.  ;)
{I know, it's just the beginning of January...
but a girl can hope, right!}

My Sweet Friend, Riki Schumacher of Riki Jewelry fame, asked me to help her create a whole new look for her blog in celebration of the New Year. She wanted a clean, feminine design, in which I think we accomplished perfectly! Her blog's white background, now makes a great showcase for her
Awesome Photography.

Riki's jewelry are 'romantic relics', vintage inspired & absolutely fabulous!
She is hosting a 'New Year's Giveaway' that I KNOW you'll want to be a part of...
just get over to her blog before January 10th, leave a comment & your entered.
It's that EASY!

What a talented artisan she is along with being such a beautiful spirit.
Thank you so much Riki for the opportunity to create this awesome design with you...
I think it turned out HEAVENLY!



  1. Way to go, Susie! This is a beautiful design...enjoy the snow for us!

  2. I saw Riki's new look earlier. You did a fabulous job and I know she is thrilled!

    My daughter would be happy to take some of that snow off your hands....

  3. is indeed beautiful Susie =) You did a GREAT job!

  4. Awwwwww, you make me blush! Thank you a million times over for being such a joy to work with, and a talented and fearless artist. Like I said, YOU ROCK! I love the finished look so much. My heart skips a beat each time it boots up and I see the loveliness you created. Thank you for posting about the giveway, you're entered twice sister!! Big hug to you, hope we cross paths in person one day. Good luck with the snow. Riki xoxo

  5. Great Job Susie!!!! You are so talented!

  6. You did a great job and I know she got at least one more follower :)

  7. Her blog looks beautiful! Great job! Now I'm going to check out the giveaway!

  8. Susie,
    You did a wonderful job. I didn't know you would put this here so I commented on your other blog, too.

    Now I am off to check the give-away, too ;-)



I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!