
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Sweet Johnny has Gone Ahead...

My Sweet Johnny has gone ahead.
A piece of my heart is gone, my big brother Johnny passed away yesterday morning
& my heart is breaking.

Growing up he was always by my side, every childhood memory I have, has Johnny in it.

Standing next to me, his arm around me, walking with me to school,

watching over me, even when I wasn't looking.

I was rarely afraid as a child because I was never alone, I always had Johnny with me.

I was so very blessed to have found him.
He was so very strong & held on so long, waiting for me to find him.
He knew I would never have Peace without finding the missing Piece of my Heart.

I have a scene from 'Out of Africa' that has been playing over & over in my mind.

Karen: Do you remember how it was on safari? In the afternoons I would
send you ahead to look for a camp and you would wait for me.
Farah: So you can see the fire and come to this place.
Karen: Yes. Well, it will be like that. Only this time I will go ahead and wait for you.
Farah: It is far, this place where you are going?
Karen: Yes.
Farah: Then you must make this fire very big, so I can find you.

My Sweet Johnny has gone ahead to watch out for me & guide me home,
just like when we were children.
I miss him so much already.
Oh, how I wish I could see you fly!
