
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

KC Willis Workshops are in So Cal & I'm Going!!

Happy Wednesday Sweetest of Hearts...
Y'all know about the Amazing artist KC Willis & Lipstick Ranch, right!
I have been loving this girls work for years.
Her fabric collages are filled with layers of textures & vintage elements,
cool phrases & fabulous vintage images. Their richness & time worn
quality, make them look like family heirlooms that have
been treasured for years.
I ADORE them!!!

Sooooo, I am very excited that KC Willis & her Workshop is going to be here in
southern California at the end of October offering 2 workshops.
October 29th is her Mixed Media Book Workshop in LA at The French General,
October 30th is her Collage Camp with Hand Tinted Photos in Huntington Beach &
October 31st she is offering her Mixed Media Book Workshop also in Huntington Beach.
I wish I could take both of these fabulous classes, but I will be taking the Collage Camp workshop
on Sunday from 10 ~ 4pm & I can't WAIT!! Yippppeeeee....finally, my very 1st workshop!

I know there are a couple of spaces still available for these classes, so if you're interested
head on over to KC Studio Retreats & sign-up & maybe I'll see you there!!  ;)
I also have to tell you all just one more thing...
I have always been a big fan of KC & her art,
but since I have been following her on Facebook
I have become a HUGE fan of KC the person!

She is one of the most selfless people I have had the pleasure to get to know.
She is endlessly working to end poverty on her local Indian Reservation.
She gathers coats & shoes for the children to keep them warm,
backpacks, books & school supplies to make sure they get an education.
She puts out a call for help to all her friends & her requests are answered by
other selfless people. It's a community of LOVE & I LOVE watching her
Change the World
one child, one person at a time.
Again, I am so excited...not only to take my workshop, but to meet this woman
who quietly & consistently moves mountains!
