
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

KC Willis Workshops are in So Cal & I'm Going!!

Happy Wednesday Sweetest of Hearts...
Y'all know about the Amazing artist KC Willis & Lipstick Ranch, right!
I have been loving this girls work for years.
Her fabric collages are filled with layers of textures & vintage elements,
cool phrases & fabulous vintage images. Their richness & time worn
quality, make them look like family heirlooms that have
been treasured for years.
I ADORE them!!!

Sooooo, I am very excited that KC Willis & her Workshop is going to be here in
southern California at the end of October offering 2 workshops.
October 29th is her Mixed Media Book Workshop in LA at The French General,
October 30th is her Collage Camp with Hand Tinted Photos in Huntington Beach &
October 31st she is offering her Mixed Media Book Workshop also in Huntington Beach.
I wish I could take both of these fabulous classes, but I will be taking the Collage Camp workshop
on Sunday from 10 ~ 4pm & I can't WAIT!! Yippppeeeee....finally, my very 1st workshop!

I know there are a couple of spaces still available for these classes, so if you're interested
head on over to KC Studio Retreats & sign-up & maybe I'll see you there!!  ;)
I also have to tell you all just one more thing...
I have always been a big fan of KC & her art,
but since I have been following her on Facebook
I have become a HUGE fan of KC the person!

She is one of the most selfless people I have had the pleasure to get to know.
She is endlessly working to end poverty on her local Indian Reservation.
She gathers coats & shoes for the children to keep them warm,
backpacks, books & school supplies to make sure they get an education.
She puts out a call for help to all her friends & her requests are answered by
other selfless people. It's a community of LOVE & I LOVE watching her
Change the World
one child, one person at a time.
Again, I am so excited...not only to take my workshop, but to meet this woman
who quietly & consistently moves mountains!



  1. Oh I'm green with envy because you get to take a workshop, and because you get the meet this amazing woman. I'm headed over now to check out her blog.

  2. Sweet, hope youre gonna have loads of fun! :)


  3. So happy for you!!!
    Can't wait to see what you create!!

    I'm sure your going to have a great time!!

  4. I'm going in December when she's in cowtown, I can't wait. I have always loved her work. I can't wait to see what you make, please take lots of photos!! Miss you lots xox-cindy

  5. You are so blessed! Have fun... I know you'll learn so much!

  6. These classes are going to be awesome! I just signed up and they will be my first workshops ever also! I'm so excited! Looking forward to seeing you there! Hugs Marilou

  7. Oh, pick me, Susie. I have always wanted to go to one of her workshops. Looks wonderful!!!

  8. Thanks SO much for posting - I signed up for her Oct. 31 workshop. Can't wait!!

  9. I Love the Work of KC Willis and her workshops must be awesome, I'm so happy for you getting the opportunity to attend one! You MUST show us your creations from the Event when you are done!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


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