
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

KC Willis Taught Me This!

It's Hump Day all ready!
Sweet Hearts, where does the time go...I mean really.
I do have to admit, I know where a significant
portion of my time has been going lately...Pinterest, that's where.
But I also have to tell you, since I've started hangin out there...
I've been more INSPIRED, more CREATIVE
& more artistically PRODUCTIVE, then I have in years.
It just gets my creative juices FLOWING!
Regardless, I know too much of a Good Thing can be bad,
so I'm thinking about starting a monthly support group.
Would any of you be interested in joining?
Hi my name is Susie & I PIN!  ;)

Y'all may remember that I was lucky enough to take a KC Willis
Workshop last fall when KC was in So Cali & it was Fab U Lous!!!
She shared all her secrets with us on how to make her amazing, fabric
collages & I fell in love with all the textures & images &
the vintage feel of these pieces of art.

This past Christmas, I made five collages for some very special
loved one's in my life & I wanted to share them with you.
The one above was made for my brother & sister-in-law in Baltimore.
Fort McHenry, The Star Spangled Banner, the largest US flag ever made,
the East Coast & HISTORY, all the things that come to mind when
thinking of their home.
{I hand-tinted the black & white photo in Photoshop}

I made this one for my dear friend Susan...
we found each other on Facebook a few years back & I've
know her since we were in the fourth grade.
We went to school together, were in Girl Scouts together,
so many wonderful memories.

And this one I made for ME!
I LOVE KC's Annie Oakley Collages & I just HAD to have one
for myself. Some of my favorite elements are on this, vintage
horse riding ribbons, a Sandy Schor metal frame, an old's perfect.
KC Willis will be back in So Cal in March having a 2 day
Studio Retreat in Huntington Beach.

The first one is March 24, 2012 from 10~4pm

The second one is March 25, 2012 from 10~4pm

So gather up all your favorite heirloom treasures that you've been
saving & I hope to see you this spring in HB hangin with KC,
cuz I'll tell you what...
this girl INSPIRES!!!



  1. Wonderful fabric collages!!! You guys have all fabulous workshops down in Southern Cal. I'm up here in Northern Cal and the only one that I know of is Art Is You which I didn't go to last year but I plan on going this year!!!


  2. Your Fabric Art Collages are just wonderful. I also have a passion for this also. I'll be back often to see your new designs. Smiles, Carol Mae

  3. OMG, Susie I am totally impressed by your fabric collages! You are a great artist.


I LOVE hearing from my Sweet Friends & your comments always make my heart smile!