
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Haute Couture & Vintage Fashion Design, Ooh la la

I have no idea why, but lately I've been fascinated with
The History of Fashion. I spend a lot of my Pinterest time
looking at vintage clothing design & have fallen in LOVE with
Old Clothes. I think it comes from my LOVE of Magnolia Pearl
& realizing how much of current design is just a new version of
something old & fabulous.

Believe it or not, the first picture is of a newly designed Haute Couture gown.
Looking at it, it seemed I had saved a vintage outfit in my Pinterest board
called Vintage Rags that looked very similar. I'm getting a whole
new appreciation for the beauty of couture gowns.

Here again, classic styling with a big, beautiful brooch...
now what does that remind me of?

This gorgeous vintage lace, high neck tea gown from the early 1900's.
I could even see the brooch working perfectly on this beauty.

When I saw this Valentino gown from the 2012 spring line,

I new I had seen a couple amazing vintage dresses that had a
very similar style & look to them. {gorgeous detail}

I ADORE both of these, they are sooooo amazing!
The one above is an afternoon dress from 1905...

& this is an Irish lace coat from the same year...swoon.
Look at that lace work friends, literally to die for. I would so wear
these, maybe over a pair of jeans or Magnolia Pearl bloomers

A lace couture dress...

& an American lace dress made in & around 1907.

Another current couture ball gown overflowing with tulle...

& a vintage ball gown with ruffles of tulle,
aren't they both just glorious?

Soft layers of tulle will forever be in style,
whether it's 2012 or...

1957, the year after I was born.  ;)

This dress is completely glorious, I adore it too..
one of Elie Saab's couture gowns...

but, so is this vintage 1950's Cotillion Party Dress.
So here's the big surprise friends...
that this So Cal born & breed beach girl, who is the epitome of
jeans, a tank top & flip flops & always has been, is seeing the
beauty & drama & glory of fabulous clothing, vintage & couture.
That there is more IN common with newly designed couture &
classic vintage, then NOT & my appreciation of both is at an
all time high. I just swoon for a lacy, tulley ball gown whether it's
Worth or maybe it's not that I was born in the
wrong era like I always thought, but more that I was born in
the wrong income bracket. If I was filthy rich I'd be sitting front
row at the great fashion shows around the world, buying
couture for my closet & antique/vintage for my museum. LOL



  1. I've finally come back to the blogs. Fashion is my first love. I've enjoyed this post.

  2. Funny thing Suze...when I was watching the MP fashion show video, my first thought was this is Texas Couture at it's finest!
    I've always been a fan of House of Worth couture...glorious ballgowns and Hubert Givenchy...high fashion icon. Art never goes out of style.

  3. How Lovely!!!! Wonderful to get away from a world dressed in sweats or jeans. Thank you for sharing.

  4. These dresses old and new make me swoon!!!!


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